it’s only ever me

i love that idont

i never have to worry and i can trust me the
feeling of me the feeling ofme the
feeling ofme the feeling of me the

feeling of me the feeling of me
the feeling of me the feeling of me

i now i get to choose and i know only thouhts
can make me feel bad i lve that
i get to choose center i get to relax in the hammock
and i don’t have to care

either way i lovee that i get to relax in the hammock

i get tochoose i get to choose center and know that’s all
there is i get to choose center and know that’s all there is

i get to choose center

i get to choose ware

and i love that i get to choose not care i lov that
i don’t have to care
what happens i love that
i never havet o care i love that
i never have to

care i lov that i never have to care i love that i never
have to care i love that i never have to care

i lovee that i never havet o crea i lov

i love that i never have to care i love the
that i never have to ccare i love that i never havet o care

i love that i never havet o care
i love that i know its

only ever me
i love

that i can alays

alawys return to ccenter

to center

i know what i am i know hat
what i am i know that i am god i love that i now i am
god i love that i know i am god i love that

i know i am god i love that i know i ma
am god

i love that i know the power of not caring
and then just like that i’m

free i know that life always takes care of me i know that life
always takes care of me i know that

life always takes care of me and no matte what happens
life is always on my side

no matter what happens i know that life is on my side