it’s only ever me and i know there is nothing
sepearte afrom fme
from the feeling of me
i love that ig et
feel good tay i love that i get to ccelebrate life today i love
that i ge
feel good today i feel secure todayi feel knowing
today i feel the celebrattion
today i feel the
ceelbration today
i get to choose how i feel i am
i am how i feel my reality is how i feel
and i know that
it’s never outide of me
nothing is not me
i know that and i get to live by it so graetful to
to know it to know that its ‘a
it’s all me and not one
none of it is sepearare
i get to choose how i feel and i know that all of life
is driven by that
i now this and i know i can relax into it
today i amek the choice
i know that i can live subjectively i knwot
that i get to make the choice in every oment
and it’s only ever momeht
the moment its only ever the infintie right now
its’ ony ever the infinite right now
i love that i know ti’s all me
it’s all me
i love that i know its’a ll me and i get to cchoose
how i feel i get o choose
what happens in each moment and i know that
ic an always
choose in themoemnt even if its completel
different to
what i was feeling a mometn before
i love that i know this i know the power of it
and i know that nothing is
separate from me
i know that nothignt is separate from me
i know its me and i’m so
glad i get to celebrate that so graetful life
always comes back around
so gratefulthat today i dont care
grateful so gratefult hat today i feel free
so grateful that today feel free
today i am free right
today ifeel secure today i feel confidnet
today i feel kknowing
today i am grateful
today i am god
today i am god
today i am god
today i am god
today i am god
i love waking up feeling like god i love
waking up trusting the mystery
trusting life i love waking up
trusting tlife
life i love waking up trsuting life
trusting the mysterfy
feelig g
good now i loe that i get to feel good now i love that i
get to choose the focus in this here and now
i know the power of me i know i’ve done it beofre and
and that is the only thing i seek
the subjective reality experience
in each moment i get to choose how i feel i
get to choose what i ccrate
in the simulation and i know that
i get to choose easy
what i want in each moment
and i know ther i