it’s only ever me

i can always remember who i am and come
back to center and i can always take 100%
responsibility for how i feel i love

waking up in the dream i love
remembering that it can only reflect me
and remembering that there is always
so much to celebrate in life and how
i see things is my choice
and how the world

reacts to me or what the world shows me
or how i choose to interact with it

are all a reflection of me and i love
that i am remembering how to love

no matter what how to choose the
signal of love just because it feels

better and i want to feel good

i love that i am allowed to feel at ease in
my life i love feeling good in my life i loca

i love that i can take rejection i love
that i approve of myself i love that i get to
choose the feeling i love that i
get to hcoos
choose ohw i f

how i feel and what i look for
and i know that life only reflects
me i know that

life only reflects me i love
that i know this i love

i love that i know it’s only
ever me life is only ever reflection g

the energy i send and i love
that i know th

i love doing the work to remember this
becuase it feelsg ood

good it helps fee
me feel good in my life i
t it helps me feel good in my life

it helps me feel good in my

yes thank you
yes thank you is all i have to day
say to say and i kow that
that is all that matters it feels good
to calmly choose ho

the way i owu
would prefer to feel it feels good to
be aware of the version i am
creating and give myself enough space to know

it’s only ever me and
the world is not acting upone me
i know that the
world is not

acting up one

upon me i know i know that the
world is acting in
in reflection with me i know that
the world is reflecting me not
acting upon me andi knw

i know that it’s only ever me and i am
brave enough to go there to take thebi
the big leap and remember it’s only
ever me and i getto

the choice to feel it right now i
get to
the choice to feel good now i get the
choice to take the leap in

right now i get the
the choice to celebrate life in

this here and now
and that’s

that’s all i can
ever do is imagine what i prefer and vibration

at that level and remember who i

who i am and what i know and stand up
for what i know it feels good to stan dup
up to my thoughts to the haters

to be apologetically me
it feels good to be me it feels good to
be me it feels good to be me

it feels good to love to
love me it feels good to love me
to love this right now

to focus on the feeling
on thew ork
the work and know it
feels good to know


feels good to know it feels good to know
it feels good to kow to know
that i

that it’s only ever me and i can
only ever be in charge of how i feel it
feels good to feel good about me
to feel good aobut
about my life and know that i get to

to choose what i focus on i get to choose what
i focus on and i get to choose
what i create

i know that i am the crator
creator i know that i am the
the creator and it’s only ever me
i love feeling confident in my abiliyt

to create i love

looking for ways to use the magick
practice the magick
and do the work and

do the work and look for the magick
i love that i don’t have to care i love
that i can let go of all of those
thought si love i love that i can

allow myself to exist purely in this

here and now i love
feeling the certainty of the now the
alignment with source

and knowing that

feeling good is my currency i know
that feeling good is my currency

peace is power
is and

happiness = affluence

thakn you
for the peace of the here and now
and the connection tos pirit
to spirit

the ablility to remember
that all anyone ever wnats is
is love and all that mattersis

sending the signal of love
down the veil
and sending the signal of love

and that

is all i can ever do in my life
is love all i can ever do is love all i can
ever do is love and make the choice
to feel good about that

that let go of all the ange and
just love my

for my own sake and i love tha ti know
i now i
i know i can do i can let it
all go i let it go a

all god and

and it feels good it ee
feels good to train to do the work

to not be afraid
it feels good to let the good of love

lif fow

flow through me to practice
loving to allow myself to love
becaues i know

i know that i am lovable i loveoding
doing this work the only
work that matters

and feeling better this
work always works this work always works
yes thnk yo

yes thankyou yes
thank you an
yes thank you i praicte
practice the thougths i want to
think i do the work i

practicing i know

i know i know it takes
practice i know it


like any sport and i am


ready to take the big
leap and practice

devote myself

to love.