the particles with coalesce without me and i know that
i can just get out of the way i know that i can get out of the way
i know that everything is lining up without my involvement
and it’s doing better than if it’s doing better than if i was
trying to figure it out in my mind i know that
i can do it all
non pysically
i know that i can do it all non
physically i knowj
i know that there’s no actual work its
all just a choice i know that it’s
all just a choice i know that i made the cohice
and then the particles changed
and i know that
it’s that easy choose to observe the particles in
a different way
choose to observe life
in a different choose
to observe life in a different way
the divine consciousness that
is forever expressing its true nature
of abundance
this is its responsibility
not mine
my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth
therefore i am totally confident in letting
go and letting god appear
as the abundant all sufficiency
in my life and affairs
when i dont lookk at
or analyze or try to solve my life
it solves itself
i know this
i know it’s univesal l
universal law
and the particcles behave
the way i expect them to
and if in
i’m not
resisting and trying
to put them wher ei want
only observing them
then they can respond to y
my subconscious
and if i’m aware of my subconscious
then i can unpack that too
and release the resistance
that lies there
and the particles
then just respond to the
natural vibration
of god and act accordingly
this is not my spons
my only responsbility
is to be aware of this truth
my only resopns
is to be aware of this tur
therefore i am totally confident
in letting go dn al
and letting god appear
as the abundant
all sufficiency in my life and affairs
the divine consiousness that i am
is forever expressing its true
nature of abundace
this is its responsibility
not mine
my only responsibility
is to be
aware of this truth
therefore i am totally
totally confident in letting go
and letting god appear as the abundant all
sufficiency in my life affairs.
the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature of abundance
this is its responsbility not mine
my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth
therefore i am totally confidnet
in letting go and letting god appear
as the abundant
all sufficiency in my life and
totally confident in letting go andletting
letting go and letting god taking the big leap into the hear
and now taking the big leap into the here
and now taking the big leap
into the here and now
letting god
letting go and letting
letting go andl etting god
totally confident
i know i akno
i kow i kow i know i know the secret to life
its the same message
it’s the same message in all
in every text in ever teaching
its the same text it’s the same teaching
we are
the creators
we are the creators
we observe the matter and then
that is what it because
we are the cetner of
cener of
center of creation
its in every single religion
in some way
i know this i knkow this
i kow that the divine consciousness
i am is forever expressing its true
nature of abundance
this is its responsbility
not mine my only responsbility
is to be aware of this truth
my only responsibility
is to be ware of
aware of this truth
it feells goo
it feels so freeing to know that
this is my only responsibility
it feels good to connect to this
one and only responsiblity
to be ware o
aware of the truth
to be ware of this truth
my only responsibilty is
to be ware
aware of this truth
i know
i know the power of me i know the poewr o
power of me
i know the
i knw the
the power of me i know that
i am the one and only
forever expressing
forever expressing
its true nature of
this is its responsibility
not mine
my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth
therefore i am totally confident
in letting go and letting god
appear as the abundant all sufficiency
in my life and affairs
letting go and letting god appear
as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs
it feels so freeing
and right
to just let go and it is scary but its also the best feeling
ive everr felt
forever expressing its true nature of abundance
this is its responsibilty
not mine
my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth
i am totally confident in letting go
and letting god
its not my jump to figure it out
and the more i get out of the way
the more i allow themagick
of life to flow through me the
more i allow the magick of life to flow
through me
the magick of life to flow through me
and i’m so glad i know and
i’m so glad i now t
i know the turht i
i know the truth of my existence and i get to
celebrate it i love that i can completely
get ouf of
out of the way i love allowing the
healing of life to flow throu
just like that
i’m healed
i can breathe.
i’m loved
i’m connected
happy in my l
i’m connected i’m
connected i’m connected
just observe the particles in a different way
choose to look at them in siff
different way i feel t
the energyof life flowing through me
i feel the energy of life
flowing through me