it’s so easy to flip the switch

its’ so easy to feel the
feeling to remember my bliss to remember that

the illusion its easy to flip the switch to
remember the illusion to stay in my power

its’ easya to practicce it before im int he situration

its easyt o love its easy to love its

easy to love
tis easy

to love

it’s easy t

it’s easy to flip the witch
to choose thef l
the focus to choose center to choose bliis

to choose bliss
its easy to choose bliss

its easy to choose bliss
easy to choose it and its right ther e

tie a

its easy to choose it its easy
to c
to choose iit its ch

eacy to choose it its eay
its easy to feel good its easy to feel i

good to flip the swithc and this work helps

me do it elps me remember the fl
the feeling of center to remember the
real sourcce

to remember the real feeling and ig et to choose it
ig et to chooe gratitue i get to chosoe
love ig etot choose love i get to say

thank you i get to say thank you

it’s easy to let it go its
eayt onto
not co

to care its eayt to claim my power
its easy to bla

claim my power
its easy to claim my pwoer

its easyt o fto focus in
the god self tor emembe theg od self

its easy to flip the swithc it

its easy to releast the reubber bnd
ite asy to releasethe rubber band

its easy to remember the sourcce its eay to remember that
the source

it’ easyt o release the rubber band
its easy to releast the rubber badn to

to flipt he swtich its wasy

to flipt he swt

the switch its easy to flip the switch

its esay to flipt he switch
its eay to flip the switcch its easy t
to remember myy pore it sos eay
to remember its so easy to remember to

release the rubber band its so eaty
to feel good to tune itnt ap

tap in turn on its so eay

to feel good its

so se

easy to feel good to feel how god would feel
its so eayt o

to work it out vibratioally
so grateful for solutoins so gratful its all working out
so gratful
for all the love in life
so grateufl life loves me

it’s so easy to flip the switch

its so esay to flip the switch

its easy to allow life

to do it

its easy to let life do it its easy to let life do it

its easy to allow the flow its easy

to allow the flow the flow the flow the
its easy to fll

allowt he flow the flow

it’s easyt o feelthe flo tis easy t
its easy to feel the feeling its eaht

easy to feel the feeling i feel it now i feel the
feeling now tis eay t
ot feel the feeling now iesa
its eays

easy to feel my bliss right now to remember by

its easyt o feel it now becausee i know
i know my power and i know tno
nothing else will ever be my poer

it will never not be the choice
it will

it will never not be it will

it will it will never it will never
not be the choicea nd that
that makes life so easy

it will never not be the chocie nto to cate

i love that i dont i love that i grust the flow of life
i love that i get ot do to me

i dont have to let it live there

because its up to me wha i
i lve t

let live here its up to me
what i let live here and i know this i know thiat

i know this i know this

its easy to remember my power nad i’m
so grateful i do

so grateful its easy to flip the switch
so gratful life made me and then
it all worked out

so graetful today awa

asa in my favor so grateful all mmy wishes are coming rr

true so g

its easy
so graet

so grateful it all worked out
so grateful

for so much love so grateful to get to say i love you and mean it
so grateful to
get to love to get to love

so grateful to get to loe

so grateful to get to love to feel the
feeling of lvoe
to always get to choose the
feleing of lov

and ;kno that’s allh

ther eis

so wasy to flip the swtich

easy to flipt he swtch to feel the
loe to sy s
you to feel good to feel good

to feel good to feel good to feel good
it feels good tofeel

to feel good ti feels good to feel good to feel t
the flow

choose the love versiont o choosee the
the love the e

the love versiont
to chosoe the love verison

its easyt o choose its easy
to know its eay t

its eay to know its easy to know

its esay to know tis easy to know its

easy to know my power its eay to align
its easy to say yes to love

its so esay to vi

fix things vibrationally

its so esay to fix it within
its so easy to fix

it within its so
easy to fix it within

its’ so teay to nkowcho
to choose the feleing

be ware

aware a
every time i creat what i dont want

its so easy
to allow ah id o

what i do its so
easy to allow what i do what

want to knowt is always there to know
i c

i am
the center of my experience

and the rest is an illusion