its the version i create

its the feeling its the feeling i choose the
feeling i choose the feelin im chooseing the feeling i
im looking for the ikm look ing for the
feleing its hw
how i see it it hs
its how i see it hit
its how i look at it its how i

look at it its how i looka tit
at it it
its how i flook at it

its how i see it its up to e
i know i nkow i know i nkow

i know hter sonly one power i now

i know im too powerful ik
know im too powerful i know im p
too powerful i know

theres only one solution

a change in consciousness

a change in consciousness is
the only thing that changes life
a change

in conscious

i knwo the power of me of i know i know i know
i know the power i know

there’s only one power fn
and it s
feels good to focus on that one power i know it
there’s only one power
nd i
i focus

on that pwoer i dont h
care what happens because i have god

i have god i have to
god i have god
i have god i

have god and that’s all i ndeed that’s all
i need thats’ all

all i need that’s ll i all i ned th need
that’s all i need

there’s only one power thers’ only
one power and i have to be brave enough to choose
that power i have to

be brave enough to choose that power i choose
the one and only power i choose the
one and only focus
its upt o me
i choosee
i have to drop every thoguth i have

to release eveyr thouth a

i have to refuse to suffer ih ave to refuse to s

suffer i have to reufse
to fusee

suffer and choose the feeling i prefe that’s that o
the only anser to anything thats the only

anwys et o anything

grateful for my life for my beautiful fie
life and i know not one did anything
i can let it all go i knwo that

is the only power i nkow my
proximity to goe i s

god is all there is

remember myself its so easy to remember who i am

place my entire focus on the god within a
dn i love that i get to that i get to

go back to who i was when i am ni

manifested ti and its so esay its so easy
to go back to that
i know that is the ony
only focus and i knwo that is m


the only suppoy
i know that is the only supply i know that
that is the only supplpy i nkow

i know that is the real only supply
and i bless the contrast that hehops me remember




there’s nothing there there’s ntoht
there i kno ow

‘i can beak through break though i nkwo its mei
i it s

its me all a
dna ll ic an do is focus on god and
cast the bruned on the chiresat itn
within to help me to help me out of this ow

hole this wrong focus this wrong believe

this out of integrity belief its me and i know it can
get tout of it i know i can get tout of i i know

i can focus on someting esele on god
on how good my life is on how i prefer to

feel i know how i feel is up to me and me only i know this
power i know this is my powero i dknow it up
its upt ot me
to me i know tis u

its up to me
to focus on the god within i say esy to god and i know that
life f

reflects that is t

its all me not trusting life no

not refusing to look for proalbems
that sl it is i have to refuse to create that version


its the only solution and the only way to see
change is to dcedie it now

its me i made it that i mae d

made it aht liftlltitle myb
by littl e

blittle by litt

i made it that and i acn amekd
make it somethign else

little by little tli

lifeel little by little il

little by littel

there’s only one power and i’m so grateful i remember thati

this so graeful

for my shouse for my marraige for my art mpaing the bilsl the bislsl are paid were agah

ahead thre sno such thinga s lakc
i knwo that i can focus on tha
aog di knwo tsi that easy

its that eay tjust feel an ddiferent feeling jsut feel a diferner fal

and allow life to present the vvdience

i lvoe that i can just choose to never
think about that again

i can refuse to suffera nd say
thank youi know life is working out perfectly

i know i don thave to do a thing

i accept everything that is all ow

allow god to do the rest i

accept eveything that is and i allow god to do the rest

i get to let it go forever
and move on with my life

putting my entire focus on
the god wtihin

putting my entrie

focus on the god wtihin a
dn i bless the contrast that helps me

today i refuse to suffer
today i choose i am

just feel the feeling and know
that its comes

trust it
know it and it somes

comes just choose a different version
and its comes
it some

comes its so easy the hard part is making the choice
the hard part is making the choice

therefore my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply