its wahteverr i mimge

its whatever i imagint
i all

i’m always certing it
ccreating it im always creating it w
hen i think that
that’s what im creating
that’s what im

that’s the version im choosing









that’s all it is and tha’ts all its gongi
going to be until the inner woeld
worlds changes an i knwo this i knwo this i nkow this
that’s all it will bei knw this

i get to choose

just keep asking
is that what you want s
anc h

change the
verion i live just let

what you want

i love hat thas’ no sounds today
i loe that everything


that’s the only auwes
question and i nkwo it s
i lov ethat life i a

is good i love that is wokri

working out perfeclty that im grateful for the space im
graful for the space god deos everything perfecltyi reagpu for the perfect timing thank you for th perfect timing
thank ou
for the perfect


its whatever i look for its hate ver i know this
i know this i kno
i nkow thia i can feel love i can

out of it right here and now all i can
do is sna

snap out of it creatitg the
version i prefer i knwo she loves us

creating the verrsion i prefer
the veriso p

i prefer i kn thatnk kyou t
i nko te
everythign is alreyd perfect

im not a vicitm of my thougths
or my experience
and ig et to dc

choose it i drive life i drie life
with the
i drive life
witht he feeling i knwo that i drive life with the
feeling and i nkwo the feelign i knwo the
feeling is the only thing i kno

i am aawer i know that thinking will never

get there
the mind will never get there i love that i knwo this
i love that i know there is no
separate self

there is no separate self
is not seprate

separate self there is no separate self
there is not

i know its only me i know that the boat is alreayd
turned i know that the ot
boat is already turned t

i kow that i
i know that the boat is alredy tu

turned i know the power of me i choost eh power of e i
i choose the power of me i know the pwoer of me i choose
teh power of me i choose

the power of me the power ofme i knwo
i knwo i know that its me i now that its me chooseing that is

that what youw ant is that wah

waht you want is htat wht
that what you want i


and that’s the only question thats the

question there
ever is tha’ts the only e


is that what you wnat
i knwo this i nkwo it
i love that life i sworking out i love
that everything
is going

smoothly i love th
saying tank yo
i i love th i know i am grateful i actaullly am

grateufl i actually

its me its me choosing the god self the god focus and i trust the in
and out of life there has to be a reason and its helping

me su

use my power its helping

me see my power and i love that i ge tito i knwo that tis the
mind every time and i nkwo my power i knwo my power
and im not afraid to use i i know my power and im
not afraid to use i i know that lfie loves me a
nd always geti

gives me the best i know tis not up to me i now taht life loes me
and evveything is alawys working otu and i can always say thank you

i can alays
just say thnk you i can

its the ind eveyr tim ji knwo its the mind

its the mind every tie na dnt hat that

tha’ swhta life shows me that’s whta life shows me

is that wha t you want is that what you wnat is that what you want

im giving my power to them im giving my power
to them
and i dont have to and i loe that

that life teachings

teaches me i love that i knwo tis a new
levele and i thank you life

thank life for showing me
i love that i knwo lfie is good and i can
alwys dri

drive life i can

what you want

i loe allowing life i
li love

i love feeling good in my life an dim
going to let the atm

make me feel ad i can
always feel good right now
i can always herar th

hear the silence
if i liste for it
i can always hear the silence

i can always be the silence when i feel
for it i can always be the silnece

i can lways be understanding
i can

always be wareeness

i can only ever be
i can only ever
watch i can only
evver choowse

how i watn to feel i ahd ve
to admit that that’s what ive been making for days

too powerful

i know tis me creating it i knwo tis me
creating it and i can alwys create whatever i want
i nkwo tis m

me ever time i think it
im making it every time i think it im
making it

and im brave enough to choose something
else im brave enough
to choose the choo

good vel
feeling vrsion !!

i’m enough to feel the good feeling version
im braven
enough tot feel the good feeling

im creating it either way!!

just feel how i watn to fele
and life

