just keep doing the feeling work

the focus work the

mindset work the feeling work the
focus work the devotion work
i know the devotion work i know the
devotion work and i know it is the only work
i know the truth to life and i am

aware of how i feel i know that life
reflects how i feel life shows me how
i feel and that is law

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constant
activity of this mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is filld with
the light of truth

i know there’s nothing outside of me
and i am aligned with that truth

i turn my gaze within
i turn my attention within to the god self
to knowing the god self

knowing that when the focus is outside of me
that’s a good sign that it’s time
to turn it back within
back to the feeling of laign

alignment with god knowing this is the only work
this is the only work and i’m here feelng
it feeling the feeling of the feeling work

i’m here feeling the feeling and
i get to

i love that i get to
i get to do this work that i know this wrok
that i am aware of how i feel and i’m choosing
the version i prefer instead i know that all of life

is a projection

a simulation of me i love that i know this and i know that the
feeling work is all there is so grateful to come
back to center

come bck to

come back to god and feel the feeling of me
feeling the

feel the feeling of
knowing i am complete

that i a already am totally fulfilled

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life and can relax in
the knowledge that the activity of divine abundance

is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy
which is continuosly easily
and effortlessly

pouring forth from my divine conciousness


easily and effortlessly

i know its all the feeling its all the
focus wher ei put the pf

the focus its all about where
i put the attentio
i know

that attenition
creates an di love tha i ge t

there’s no way around these universal laws
so i work with them and

so grateful for the contrast that helps me
remember to turn the foxus
focus within to remember to feel how i want to feel

to remember wo
to feel how iw ant to feel i get to
feel how iw ant to feel i get

get to feel how i want to feel

i know its all a feeling that i
get to choose i know all o flife is

a feeling that i get to choose and i’m grateful
for the time and space to do this work
so grateful to remember who i am

what i am

what i am
who i am where i am

why i am i love that i get to choose how i want to feel
choose whw

where i place my attention i love that
i gteh

get to choose where i place my attention
i love taht ia m aware
of patterns and that i get to transcend them!!

i love that i get to feel secure

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life
and an re

can relax in the knowledget hat the
activity of divine abundance

the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow

the radiation of creative energy which is
continuosly easily
and effortlyess
lessly pouring fort h

my divine consciousness

i am now waer

i am now int he flow

i am sending the signal of yes
i am sending the sign of yes

not of wondering not

needing something ouside of me
of needing anything

i’m choosing the feelnig

of yes

for me so ghat i can
feel good now not
so i can get something bue

but so i can enjoy this mometn right now
so i can feel love right now so i can
feel god right now
just always return to the feeling of god
and then
i already have it all and i dont

need anything ourside
outside om

of me

the god within knows

the god within knows that i dont need
anything else that god wihtin knows that life

is perfect and i et to
get to celebrate that fact

i get to choose the truth
i get to choose what i now

i get to choose what i know i
get to choose god i get to

choose god i get to
place my entire focs on the
the god within as the only cause of

my prosperity i’m looking for magick
in my life and i trut it

i trust it to show up
so graetfult o do the work to be aware of how i feel

i am aware of how i feel and i am
aware that how i feel creates my life a

i am aware of the god self within

i love that i get to fee the
feeling of knowing

of devotion to the self
to the mantruat
to eh

the feeling to the god self

i get to feel the feeling of the god self

i get to feel the feeling of the god self

i love that i get to feel it
that i feel the feeling of letting it all go
i v

i feel the feeling of god within me
i feel the feeling of celebrate ign life
and i know

i kno wthiss feeling work is all there is know this

is all there is i love that feeling i love
that feeling of tuning i love the

feeling of loving life of celebrating life i love
the feeling of feeling good

of liking myself of feeling good about myself
of knowing that i am
a cool person with so much to offer

i love that i know i love that
i know that

i know t

i love

i love that i get to feel good get to feel the
feeling of feeling good i love that
i get to feel it i love ath
i gthat
i get to choose to know it

to celebrate it
to feel good now