just start typing

been so long since ive done this
but only a few days really but
i barely know where to start

even though i know there’s no beginning
and no end
the books ive been reading have got me

wanting to write poetically
to describe my life in such a way

to set a tone

i’m here setting the tone of my life
and that is what this work is
its setting the tone of my life

setting the tone of my sould

telling the story of my soul and also
telling the story to my soul
and its so cool how reading someone else’s words
can make me feel so much more expressive about my own

its cool that a book is a work of art that you
get to experience and there’s no other art that’s like that

art that you get to live in for days

that you get to experience
that you submerge yourself in and even the best painting
on the most shrooms

isn’t as immersive as one sober chapter on
the sunny porch in the morning
after finishing my breakfast

with nowhere to be but there
the sun hotter than comfortable
but the resulting drips of sweat comforting

it feels good just to write
and feel how the words feel it feels good to feel
to bring attention to my feelinsg to my

to allow the words to flow
to feel the feeling of

letting them out
of being aware of them

so grateful for the opportnity to feel
to feel this moment to love this moment
to know that it’s only om

this moment
so grateful to feel the kys u

keys under my fingertips

to learn how to accept it
to look at something i dont like

and accpet it

i’m here toind
doing the tuing nwork
and i feel brand new

so graetful for distance
sso grateful
to feel brand new to

so grateflut o feel goo
brand new
to have some space some distance
and to feel diffferent

no matt what
no matter what different is

grateful to be back here back
to focus back to the slow life

while still sad our little stay cay

is over grateful we got to do it
grateful life is always flowing to
and through me

so grateful to feel gre
fresh to have a pr
fresh perspective
to see so many miracles
unfold in front of my face on the
regular so
grateful to feel the feeling to flow

to flow
to feel god with me here and now
to feel the
feeling of faith so
grateful to feel
the feeling of faith of knowing

so grateful to knwo

grateful i get to choose life

for new perspective
for everything to feel weird and brand new

its good

its good to feel this way
it means

new layers


life is always changing
and it feels go

so good to know that
to celebrate this
right now
and know that

that’s all there is
gratefult o celebrate this

right now

and know

that’s all there is

so grateful to feel good in this
right now to love this
right now

this right now

so grateful to know this right now to know
to know this


so grateful to love in this right now
to know that i et to love no matter what
that i can chooe

choose to love i get to chooe to love
i don thave

grateful to feel brand new to feel
love to feel love in my

in me grateful to feel love in me
to feel love in me

to know my true self
to embrace my true self

i know my true self and i embrace
my true loving self

i come into the self
the true self the ture self

the one who loves i am
the one who love i amone
one who love and i am
embrace this feeling of love i l
allow myself to love i allow myself
to be unguarded

i allow myself to let love in
to feel sed

deserving of life

love ia llow myself to
feel deserving of love

i love and allow myself to
be loved i feel the feeling of loving
and i feel the feeling of
being loved i know that i am

infinitely loved i know that
i am infinite ly love
and ake

cared for

i know

so grateful to have no

new perspective and to have space from
the feeling to remember what it feels like

what it is and the power of it
so grateful i know the power of it and know that in

in any situation
i get to choose the outcome

i love that i know this and i never
have to get tin vol
involved i lovet aht i get to let it
go dna d

and feel my power i love hat
i get to feel

to feel my power get to feel the feeling of me
so grateful for different vibration s
for the feeling of feeling good

feeling good

grateful to return to the feeling
grateful for my slow life grateful for
my slow lfe

life grateful for the feelings
the feeling that create so grateful for
the feelings that create

so grateful for the feelings

that create so grateful for all taht
that is so grateful for all that
is so

grateful to feel the feeling and know that
the feelin precedes

so grateful for the slow life
for this moment for the peace

for love in my heart so gratefi;

grateful to be aware and to be brave wnough
enough to be the person i want to be

i’m brave enough to be the person i want to be
the person i know i am

underneath all the

defense mechanisms

and fear
and childhood trauma

is the real me and i know that person

that thing
i know its god

i know the real me is god and i’m brave enough to
let that through to give all

love to all i’m
brave enough to give love to all