just stop

i can stop i can stop
giving my energy to that
i can stop giving my energy to that
i can jsut stop

find the root go to the root
go to the root its fighting
with life its fighting with life
i have to refuse

its me looking for my own problems and i nkow this
i love that i dont have to care i love that i dont have to
care and the practice is comign backt o god
coming back to love is my power

no one can stop me from coming back to love because i am
the srouce of it

i knwo the one and only truth and i
celebrate it i knwo the one andon only truth and i celebrate it thats all ican do

totallly transformational
i love that i get to choose it i lov ethat it ialreayd is

transfromating i love feeling good i love
where i am rght nwo i love that i get ot

to feel good now