keep my mind and thoughts off this world

god is lavish unailing
abundanct the
rich omnipresen

connect connect

substance of the universe
this all providing source

of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me
the reality of me
god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance
of the universe

this all providing source
of infintie prosperity
is infid

individualized as me
the reality of me

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omniprsen

omnipresent substance of the universe
this all providign

sourceo fi n
infinite prosperity
is individualized asm e

the reality of me

i’m here ‘m here
i’m here what ma here
here to do reconnect with
self reconnect with self coem to center
coemt o love come to the knowledge reconnect with the knowledge with the rtuh
the truth calm the mind
settle the mind

allow the mind to cat

i’m connected i’m
elevated i’m knowing
i remembwer who i am know the

energy of me i nkow the
energy of me i focus on the
energy of me the center of me
i focus on the
center of me i focus
on the center of me

i f

i’m here i’m connected i’m e
connected it feels good
to cnne

and feel at ease in life
in the here and now it feels good
to connect to the here and now
to feel the

moving my ahnds
hands and mkaing
the workds

words before i can form them
in my mind

just a split second

it feels good to feel
connected to the
center to see the unfolding of the
the particles to
see the unfolding
to allow the unfolding to allow the

to celebrate the unfolding

i’m connected

god is lavish unfailng
abundance the rich omnipresenent

substance of the universe
this all providing source
of infinite prosperity is individualized
as me the reality of me

god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of the universe
this all providing
source of infintie prosperity
is individualized a sme
the reality of me

i’m connected and when

and when i am i can feel the muckk of

resistance as it has built up
around the pure cener of self and
when i am aware of the muckk

i can allow it to slip away

i know who i am i nkow what i am i know who i am i nkow hwat i am

i choose i choose i chosee i ch

i choose the particles i choose the particles i choose the particles i choose

the particles i choose the particles i choose

i choose

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinte prosperity is individucaliz

individualized as me
the eralit

god is lavish unfailing
abundance the rich omnipresent
substance of the uniferse
this all providing source of in

infinite prosperity
is individualized as me
the reality of me

god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of the
universe this all providing source
of infinte pro

is individualized as me
the reality of me

i’m connected to self
and that’s all that matters
to c

the center of self because
from here from
center i can


i can observe the outer world as it is
an outpicturing of my former beliefs

i relinquish my humanhood
it feels good to connect with the god within
it feels good to fcus
on the god within to allow
the gos within to come through to

feel the feeling to focus in the p
this palc
place and feel the place of connection

which is really just the pure feeling of
no resistance
in my soul

just the way i’m meant o feel
i love that i kno i
i nko

i know

i don’t have to believe anything
i love that i get to choose the version
and celebrate it i liove that
i know the power of me i love that
i know

i now the
i know the power of me
i trust the flow
i trust
the flow of me i trust the lfow
i trust

the flow i allow life unfold
i allow life to unfold i allow life to unfold
i allow

life to be fun and easy i lall
allow life to be fun and easy it feels

to let go
to relax and let go it feels good to focus
in the truth to

celebrate remembering the feeling to
feel my sp

spirits rise

god is lavish unfailing

the rich omnipresent substance of the

this all providing source of
infinite prosperity
is individualized as me
the reality of me

god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of
the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity is individualized as me

the reality of me

god is lavish unfailing

the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity is individualized as me

the reality of me

i feel good i feel good
i feel connected to the spirit
to the here and now i feel

i am it i am it
i am everything and it feels so god to remember this
to jump

totally in the flow to remember
these words are true

i know

from life experience that
these words are true and that i can

let go completely

so grateful for the here and now
for the infinite abundance in every moment

so grateful life loves me
so grateful that i’m getting in the flow

and life is working out for me i seeing
and feeling the effects of the practice

of the not practice
of the letting go of the
focus of learning to focus
on one thing it feels good to know

it feels good to trust it totally
it feels good to take the big leap
to allow life to flow through me
it feels good to allow life
to flow through me to feel good to feel good

to feel certain
to know
the certainty