knowing the threads will connect

i know that the threads are always connecting
i know that life is good and it’s meant to be this way

that it’s meant to be enjoyed and i
am allowed to enjoy it i am allowed to enjoy life
i am

allowed to enjoy life

i am allowed to enjoy life i am
allowed to enjoy life to enjoy life knwoing that

knwoing th

knowing that
everything is always connecting itself
and i get to gt out

get out of the way

it feels good to get out of the way
know that my only control is letting go of control
i love that i know i cant control
i know

today is meant to be enjoyed and that is
my power

my power is enjoyment of life
becuse i nkow

i am conscious of the constant activity
of this mind of infinite prosperity

i am conscious

of the constant activity of this mind
of infinite prosperity

therefore i am totally

my consicousness is filled with truth

my consicousness
is filled with the light of truth


my consciousness is filled witht he light
of truth i love that i know

i love the feelig of letting go of feeling good
of making the choice to celebrate this day
and knowing
that life is always

flowing perfectly through me

it feels good to feel good to

choose a new vibration
of ease and love for myself

i love that

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constant activy of this
mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my
consciousness is filled with the light of truth

my life is filled with the light of truth

the light of truth which illuminates
my whole being
reminding me
that the only thing that matters
is the connection with self the connection

within and as long as i focus on that

as long as i focus on the god within

i needn’t look anywhere else
i love feleing uplifted by the magick of life

by the truth of life

knowing that i am perfect that iw as

i was born perfect and i never have to change
i love tat i

that i know i am perfect right no

i ilove knowing i love that i know the
truth of life the magick o flie

of life and i love doing this work
and feelingup li

uplifted knwoing that

knowing that how i feel is allt hat matters
and trusting how i feel
is my

biggest super power i love honing my super powers i love that
i get to choose i love that i get to choose i love
feeling elevated i love
feeling the energy of life flowing through me

the magick of life the power of life
i love moving that energy up

to the gods
the god

the self

i love i lov that
i love that i get to feel good now

ii love that i now
i know tht truth
the turth

truth so i can choose to feel the
feeling now feel the feeling now

feel the feeling now
of alignment within

i get to choose the magick of life
right now

the consciousness
of the inner presence as my lavish abundance

i love that it always works
i love

that we go fun money
i love that the work always works and this is the only
work i love that i can relax in that knowledge

i love feeling uplifted in my life i love
feelng the magick flowing through me

allowing the magick to flow through me

i love doing this work and elevating
my vibration i focus on consciousness of

who i really am today
i focus on the magick life

not getting myself all hyper and worked up
but just feeling the calm knowing that
everything is always working out for me

because it is just a reflection
a vibration i love that i can relax into the

flow of life and this knowledge

my consciousness is filled with the light of truth

i know that this is the only work
this is my only work
i love that i know that

this is my only work how i feel is my only work
my devotion to the inner presence is my only work

today my only job is to focus on the inner presence

feel the connection with spirit and know that
right now is the only moment i love

that i nkow it a

and nothing else matters because i know life
has no choice but to reflect me
reflect the inner presence

i am conscious of the constant activity of this
mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is filled with the light of truth

there fore m4

my consciousness is filled with the light of truth
i love feeling the feeling of feing

being filled with the light of truth
of letting go and making the choice to relax into life
to love life as it is right now

to choose how i want to feel
to create the version i prefer

today i can focus on what i want
and how i want to feel i can choose to feel
the flow flowing through me i choose to feel

the flow flowing through me to feel
the flow flowing through me
to feel conscious of the inner presence

to make the choice to allow
to allow to allow the flow to flow

to allow the flow to flow

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constant activity of this mind of infinite

therefore my consciousness is filled with the light of truth

today i look for the magck in

magick in life i know the magick in life
and when i notice myself resisting

i can transmute by saying thank you

thanks god

for everything
as long as i am in the frequency of what i want
that is what whill shop

show up

i know it’s easy as that and today i look
for the magick i look for reasons to say thank you