i love feeling good
i love billing i love learning new things
i love being easy about it
i love that i know life is pointless i love
that i don’t have to care about anything
i love that i can act like i’m dead i love
that i can do me i love that i can
do me i love that i can do me i love that i
can do me more and more every day i am doing me
i love that i know this i love that i know this
i love that i know this i love that i know this
i love that i don’t have to care i love thta i know
that i know this day is just for fun i love that i know this
day is meaningless and it’s just meant to be enjoyed i love that i know my only
job is to have fun to enjoy this day
and laugh
at the hilarity of it all
at people caring at people acting like it matters
and i love that i know it’s only
ever me i love that i can
always lean into the flow i love that i can
always lean into the flow i love that
i am the flow i am god i love that
in this here andnow
i know that i am god i love that
i get to feel good about that i love that
i get to feel good about life i love
that i get to feel good about life i love that i
get to love ilove ti love
i love that i get to love get to tfeel t
to feel the feeling to know it’s only
ever me and know that life has no choice but to reflect me and i know this
i know i am life i know i am life i know i am
life i know i am life i know i am life
i know i am life i know i am
i love that i knwo life is good i love
getting out of the way i love getting out of the way i love
getting out of the way
i love that i get to choose to feel good i love
that i know
nothing mattes i know
i know that i am god and what i think about
i brign bo
bring about
what i expect i bring about and i know that
it’s my choice to practice a different narrative
one that feels good and i know i can
do it ikno i can do it
i believe in myself and iknow that
through practice i can create a different narrative and i know that
is the fun of life that is
challenge of life is being brave enough to
create the narrative i want to see and i know that
it’s only ever me
that life
is me
that my life experience is me and that i am the
creator of my life experience
i am the creator of the narrative and iknow
the first part of the narrative is the focus
on the god self the focus on the god self is my only job
and i know this i lovethe
the better it gets i love that i know this i love that i know
this and i love that i can do it i can do it
i can do it i can look for what i want to seee
i can feel how iw ant to
i can feel how i want to feel and when i make
the choice to practice this
i get better at it
just like anything else
i know that this is real
this is the only real thing
in life
this is the only real thing
and i know this
for a fact i know that it is only
ever me and what i look for i see and the more i practice knowing
the better i feel i know this
i love that i ge tto ma
to make the choice to feel good all day that i get to make
the choice to do the work
the only work
the only work that i get to celebrate this here and now and know
that there is never anything else
i love thta i don’t have to care about the
rest all that mattes is lo
matters is love and the feelig of love
feeling of love and
this work and this work i know that
all that matters
is the feeling of love i know that
all that matters is the feeling of love i know that
all that matters
is the feeling of love and i get to choose that
i get to choose that
i get to
to choose how i want to feel every moment
i get to look for what i want to see i get to
look for
feel for how i want to feel and i know
that is my only work the
spirit work is the only work
knowing god is the only work
and iknow that
everything in life is elping
helping me do that i know that
all i really want is to feel that
connection with god
and that is all i am really seeking
and i
i make that connection my number one
priority i make this work
my only priority and i keep the flow going
i connect to vortex first
and i believe in myself
i know i can do it i know i can
lift up my heart and mind
above the error thoughts
and allow my true sefl through
today i am allowing my true self today
i am doing the work to feel good
to relax
to get out of the way to know that
and that my only
control is letting go
i want to feel the magick of life
i wnat to
to experience the magick of
entering the vortex and i know that is my only
mky only
job is to get in the vortex and none
of the rest matters i know that if
i can find a way to feel good about that
to feel love about that
that is all that matters
the feeling and the rest
comes easliy