let’s have the best day ever

i love waking up feeling good
i love that i know the secret to life and its god i love
that iknow i know god i love tha i

un know it

i love doing this work i love the power
of the focus i love feeling the focus i love

feeling whem i’m drifting off to sleep
or when i just wake up

i can breathe

and i know that’s becuase i’ve
stopped worrying
or i haven’t started worrying yet

or just thinking


running things over in my heaed

today i refuse to let my mind
run wild all day today i refuse to let
my mind run wild i get to feel the
feeling the feeling the feeling

today i reufse
refuse to suffer to

today i intend to maintain
peace of mind and keep my in

entire focus on the tog
god within keep my entire
focus on the god within
i keep my entire focus

ont he god the god within the god within

yes, thank you!!

so grateful i finally said something and
got that off my chest

so grateful for this here and now
for a wife who loves me for

a life

that loves me i feel good tirh

in my life in this here and now i feel good int his
in my life in this here and now i love that
i get to feel good i love that i get to
to feel good i love that i get to feel good i love
where i am right now i love

where i am right now i love that i get ot
to feel good nwo i ove

i love doing this work and i love
that i know i love that i know i love that
i know i love

i love that i don’t have to care i love
that i

don’t have to care about the outsie world
outside world i love

that i don’t have to care about the outside

world i love that today i feel lifted
i lift up my mind and heart

i feel good in my life i feel positive
in my life i know that what i seek

is already here i love doing the work
i love feeling good aobu

about myself i love

raising my vibration i love
raising my vibrations ilove
i love raising my vibration i love

doing the work the work th work
the work the work the w

i feel good in this here and now and
i love that i have the ability to not care i love

that i never have to care i love that
i never have to care i get to focu
on my god self i get to focus on my god self

i get to feel good i get to feel good
i get to love me i get to love me i get to

to love where ia m

am rgiht now i love that i don’t have to care i love
that it’s just

to be a

powerful withc i l
witch i love that i ge tto ch

get to choose the miracles i love that
i get to choose i love that i
get to look for what i want to seee
i love that
i get to allow

the miracles to fow
to flow through me i love that
i get to allow the

miracles to

to flow through me i love
i love where i am right now i love
where ia m right
right now i love

i love doing this wrk i love

elevating my vibrtaion
raising my vibratoin i love
that i ge

can feel it catching i love
seeing the evidence
of my work and i love

that i can always elevate myself to a higher level


i love celebrating life!!

i love that i ge tto feel
to feel good i love doing this work i love
doing this work and

being aware of my thoughts
feelings and actions i love doing thi

doing this work and

being aware of my thoughts
feelings and actions i love doing
this work

i love doing this work i love
doing this work i love doing this
work i liove

doig this

doing this work i love who i am
and i love syaing

saying fuck the haters i love that
i get to

to be a powerful withc i lov

more than that

i know i am god i love

that i

that i get to do
this work and know the
power of me i love

exploring the power of me i love that
there is no

no limit to the depth
of mei love i love that i know this

is no limit to the joy i
can feel when i let go of the rest

and remember really
i have no choice
but to feel good

because i know the effect
the alternative has

i love feeling
brave enough to

step into my power
to step into who i really am

and feel the vibration of god
to align with the vibration of god ilove
i love doing the work i love

lifting myself up
raising my vibration i love that i
can always raise my vibration i love
doing the work i love

i love that i get to feel good i love
that i ge tto fe
to feel good about who i m i lo
am i love whre i a

who iam inthis
this here and now
here and no wi love

i love
i love

i love feeling the feeling
of feeling connected to god

and knowing that i am god i love knwoing my
my power i love knowing the power of me

and celebrating it i love
waking up in the dream i love that
i now it’s a dream i love that i

i know it’s a dream