life is always showing up all around me

i love that i know that life is always giving me miracles
in every way i love that there is so much to be grateful
for i love that there is so much to appreciate i love that it
feels good to feel good i love that it
feels good to feel i love that i get to feel good and

enjoy this right now bask in this right now
i love that there is always more than enough i love that
i get to enjoy my life i love that i get to

enjoy my life enjoy my life
enjoy my life

the energy work is always there the
feeling work is all there is and i know that
inspiration always strikes

i know that there’s ins and outs and i can
and should appreciate a time of rest a time

of slowness always appreciate the time you have to
do nothing

cherish it
bask in it because it’s not always there and
when i’ts gone you’llm iss

you’ll miss it so love doing nothing
fall in love with doing nothing
and then inspiration will strike
know it always does know it always does

train the focus train the focus
train the focus that’s all there really is
that’s all there really is

train the focus train the focus

celebrate that it’s already done celebrate that its
already done celebrate this right now
this right now

train the focus train the attention
train the emotions

train the attention
train the emotions decide to feel
good feel energized by life feel

energized by life
feel energized by feeling goof food

feeling good feel energized by feeling good
by feeling good by feeling
good feel energized by feeling good feel
energized by feeling good feeling good

traini the
train the focus grain

train the attention

am i creting the
version where i’t s

it’s already here or the one
in chi

which i’m asking where it’s at
in which case, what exactly???

because i have everything i need right now

train the attention
train the focus

am i sending the signal of yes

train the focus train the attention
train the focus train the attention

train the emotion
train the reality that’s all it is
that’s all it is and i get to

chooseh ow i fe

how i feele ach

each moment and i know that life
and everything in it is just energy i know that
life and everything it is just


i know that life and everything in
it is just energy use it
use that as an excuse to do the work
as an easy proof

use it as an easy proof
instead of creating over and over the version you dont

choose the one you want instead and i know i can do it
i know it seems hard bc

maybe i’m out of practice but i know it’s up to me
to make the choice and

know that it is make the choice know that it is

and let it go i know this
is the simple formula i know that is all

so grateful i know this os
so grateful i know life is good
so grateful i know life
is good

i never have to wonder i never have to worry
and my supply is equal to the amount that i trust and

resonate with this knowledge
i know this is life’s only truth i know thiss

i know this is life’s only truth i know i know
that life and everything in it

is energy i know that i am that energy that
i am the perceiver

this movie and it’s happeneing
and i get to make choices but really
it s

happening and i’m ok with o
that i can zoom out and watch it and allow it and
appreciate it

i feel the feeling i feel the feeling
of waves just flowing through me the
waves of life just flowing through me
and i’m so grateful for just a normal day
to just bask in life
just bask in the beauty that is my life
and i love that i don’t need anything else

i love that there is so much to love
and i know that i get to choose to feel that feeling
so grateful to do this work and

train my attention
train my expectation so grateful to train my expectation
to grain

train my emotions to train my awareness of my emotions

train my awareness

heighten my awareness

heighten my awareness
of how i feel heighten my awareness
of how i feel

heighten my awareness of
how i feel

train my attention i know my only job is
to train my attention if i’m wondering what i should
be doing it’s that and i love that

that’s always the answer to every question
i love that i can always


the switch flip the switch and that there
is no limit to the depth of the switch

there is no bottom to the depth or top to the
height of the connection there’s always more and more
resonannce i can feel the

with the one truth of life and that is my only

job here on earth or as a human
is to feel that resonance with the one truth

it’s already done

it’s already done and i love training myself to remember that
truth it’s me

it’s up to me to create the
version the
the verison the

version the version
the version i prefer the

the one true knowledge
the on trust

the one true knowledge the one true
knowledge and my only job is to hold

to align with that feeling of resonance
with that knowledge
that the seeking of the feeling of god
is all there is the
seeking of the feeling of god

feeling of god the choice the choice
to align the choice to feel good the

feeling of taking the leap th feeling
the fealing

feeling of taking the leap

into the here and now