lift up my mind and heart

its easy to lift up my mind and heart above the muck its
easy to

let my thoughts rise above its easy
to let it all go and then see the evidence

it’s easy to see it unfold
to take a nap and allow it all to unfold

lift yp
up my mind an he
and heart above the worry thorught
thoughts and everything feels like releif

the relief is right there
the relief
is always right here
the love

is always right here ini th

in the here and now
the relief is always right
here and in the here and now

the love is laways
always right here
it feels goodt oget what i want

want to focus on lifting up my mind and heart
it feels good

lift yp my mind and heart to be wa

aware to understand and to know
that the divine presence i am
is the source and substance of all my god

the divine presence i am
i know this i know this

i am a presence
and i can always come back to

the stillness