Little by little

little by little i know that i can massage the
resistant thoughts into

non resistant ones

little by little i can turn my attention toward
what i want to see little
by little

i can turn my thougths to thoughts toward what i want to see little
by little i can turn my thoughts toward what i want to see

and i know this is true iknow that
little by little i can come back to cneter

center and the more i

to discern

to prefer something new

the better i feel the better i feel i know that little by little

i can come back to center
i can choose what i want to look at what i want to
see and little

by little i can come
back to my magick state of being
to the life i know i am meant to lead

to a life of magick
a life of knowing i can

i am the creator little
by little i can remember that i am the creator

by little

it doesn’t have to happen all at once

it can happen every time i notice how i feel

what made me ok with feeling bad?

what made me want to feel bad?

when i know that i can choose gratitude

little by little i can choose to look for what i want to see

i can say yes to what i want to see i can

make the choice to look

for what i want to see

little by little little by little
i get to make the choice to feel free
to remember who i am ro

to celebrate who i am and make the choice
to not react to what is going on in the outside world
i know that i

i don ‘thave to react

little by little i remember who i am little by little i remember who i am

little by little i tap into i tap into i

tap into the energy of life little by little i tap
into the energy of life the energy of life

little by little i tap into the energy of life

little by little i can turn my focus in ca
i can come back to center i can
feel god flowing through me i can

recognize thta i am the
one and only creator and i never have to let anything feel bad

little by little
i cam

i am coming back to center

little by little i remember who iam
and i allow the energy that creates
worlds i allow

the energy that creates worlds
to flow throughme i

i allow the energy that
creates worlds to flow through

i notice how i feel i notice how i feel

i don’t have to react i don’t have to react

i can ease and flow i can
allow the resitant

energies to leave my body
to leave my personhood
to leave my soul and i can

little by little

make the choice to look for what i want to
to look for what i want to see i get to make the choice
to feel how i want to fee i get to make the choice to feel

how i want to fee i get t
i get to make the choicet o feel to feel how i want to feel
i get to make the choice

to feel how i want to feel i get to make
the choice to feel how iw ant
want to feel andnot

not react to things

outside of me i don’ tha

have to react i don’t have to react

i don’t have to react

i can

little by little

decide to let those reactions go
i can decide to know the magick life i want
to know the magick life i wnat

to live the magick life i want to live
the magick life i want to see that magick in life

knowing i am the creator and
decidieng how i want to feel

i get to make the choice to f
eel how

i want to feel and that is the magick
i know that i get to make the choice to feel
good that i get to make the choice
the choice to feel good i get to

i can make he choice
the choice to feel the magick life to feel how
i want to feel i get to make the choice

and every time i make the choice the mo

the more i am tuning into the energy of life
i can tune into the energy of life

i feel good in this life i feel good in this
life i know it’s only ever me i know

it’s only ever me and i never have to
forget that i know it’s only ever me and i never have to
forget that i get to choose i get to choose i

i get to choose to feel good to celebrate knowing
that i am loved that source loves me

that i am source

little by little i can remember who i am
i can

let go of the physical world i can let
go of the physical world i can

let go of the physical world i can
feel good i can allow my heart to sing
i can allow my heart to sing
i can allow

my heart to sing i can allow my heart to

little by little i can feel better
little by little i can feel good

i can

believe in life

little by little
i can make the choice to love life
i can make the choice to

love life i can make the choice
to look for what i want to see and
align myself with that energy

little by little

i can celebrate myself!!

i can have fun in my life!!

i can celebrate how far i’ve
i can celebrate life i can

celebrate life
little by little little by little
little by little

i can celebrate life i can
celebrate life

i can feel good i can celebrate life


little by little
i can love myself i can
love my life and i can

take the big leap

into loving myself