love gathering momentum

i love waking up feeling good
i love letting it go and
knowing its not malicisoius

malicious i love
getting along i love sending the
signal i love lt

letting it come to me

i love that i know life is
flowing perfectly through me i love

life is always expressing
itself perfectly through me i love

i love gathering momentum
i love the better it gets i love
that i know the signal i send
i the signal i reflect

i love that i know the signal i send
is what is reflected
back to me i know the signal i send

is what comes

i love letting go i love
knowing that my only job is to
feel good i know

i love knowing that
my only job is to feel good

i love knowing

i love doing this work i love
the better it gets i love that i know
who i am

i love that i kno the

know the secret to life
i love that i can breathe
easy and relax i love that
i can allow life
to flow through me

i have found the
secret to life nd can

and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of
divine abundance

is eternally operating
in my life

i simply hve to

have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy
which is continuously
easily and effortlessly

pouring forth from my divinve

i am now aware
i am now i the flow

thank you

tank uo

thank yo thank you thank you

thank you

for the flow i love
that i can let that go i love
that i can let that go i love

doing the work the magick work
i love that iknow life

life is magick i love

that i can

reaise my

raise my vibration
and release my resistance

i love the power
of the focus i love knowing
my own magick i love
knowing that

life is flowing through me


not nervous
i’m knowing

i love knowing
that my only job is to
feel good i love that i know
my only


is to enjoy this rightn ow i love
that i know its

al a

all a dream i love
that i know it is all a dream

i love doing this work i love
the ower of the focus i love
that iknow i am magick i love that i know iam

god and the degree to which i know

god is the degree to which

is my supply is my currency i know this
i knowt this
this and i can let go of all the rest
i ove that i know

contrast is a gift
i love that i know everyting
i al

i ever wanted is already created
love that i know i am loved i love
that i know life loves me i love
tha i know lgo

god loves me i love that i now i am
god i love that

i’m not nervouse

i’m knowing
i love that i get to go
through my life
with a sense of knowing
i love that i get to go

through me

i love that i get to choose
god i love that the contrast helps me choose
i love that i get to choose
certainty i loe that i et

get to choose the feeling now i love
that life is good for me i love that i now all it

all it take

i love that inow i can

i loe reasin


raising my vibration
i love that i am aware of how i feel

how i am vibrating i love

i love that its easy to release
i love that i now i don’ thave to

to resist

i love i love i love
that i know i am the creator
i love that i can say yes i love
that i

can look for what i want
to see i love that i can make the choice to feel good
bout that i love that i get to make the choice

to feel good about that

breathing in i raise my vibration
breathing out i release my resistance

i love allowing myself to
live the magick life

i love that i know
it reflects me i love feeling
the magick of life

through me i love that i

look for the magick and ten
i seen

see it i love doing the
work and feeling the effects
i love

feeling the effects of my
practice i love that i know
my only job is to be
aware of how i feel i love
that i can allow myself

to fully enjoy this here and now i love
that i can send the signal of yes i love that i

i’m not nervous i’m knowing

i love that i know its only me a

and i am now afraid to send
the signal i love
that i don’t have to care i love that

don’t have to care about what
anyone else

i love that i get to love
i love that ther eis

ther eis so

there is so much to love
i love that i get to

have fun

i love the ower o

power of the focus i love allowing
the magick to flow through me i love
feeling the feeling of knowing

i love doing the work i love

letting go and letting god
i love feelng totall

totally confident i love hat
that i neve have to wonder

i love starting from
a feeling of elation i love
feeling elated i love

feeling elated i love

that life love sme i love
th i love the
better it gets i love
that the

work always works i love that the

the work always works

i love that i don’t have to care i love
that i can smi

simply observe i love that
i can obeerve

observe and not be attached i love
that i can say thank you and allow life to flow
through me

thank you