so grateful to feel better to
feel good to not have anything to dread
so grateful i get to live so
grateful i get to feel good so gratefuli
get to
to enjoy life with mky wife
my wife so grateful there is somuch
so much to love so graeteful
there is so much to love and i don’t
i never have to care about ther est
so grateful i get to feel good to feel he
feeling to feel the feeling of feeling
so grateful i feel better
so grateful to feel good in my body
to spend time with family
to be able to afford to gamble!!
thanks sandra!
so grateful for the good life
to feel prosperous to feel
wealthy to have
the tie and time and space to care for myself
so grateful for our warm
stationary castle
so grateful to love and feel loved to know i am
love dto feel good
to live near family to feel loved
to love and feel loved
to look for reasons to love
to stand by it
to feel good about myself
so gratefl
so grateful to feel good to fele
the feeling to feel the feelng flowing
throgh me
through me to feel the feeling
flowing through me
to feel the feelng flowing
through me to feel the feeling
flowing through me to feel the
feeling flowing throug me
me it feels good to feel good it feels good to feel
good to eel
feel my heart singing
to aling with align with my best sel f
it feels good to feel good to feel good
to feel good to feel good to feel good
it feels good to feel good to love it feels good to love
to love this righ now to
to love the feeling inthis here and
now it
feels good to feel good to feel good
to feel good it feels good to
feel good tofee
to feel good it feels good
to feel good to love to love to love
it feels good to love myself to
feel relieved it feels good to feel releived
to fe
to feel good in this here and now
ti fee
it feels good to love myself to
love life to feel good to feel the magick
flowing through me it feels good
to tune myself to the vibation
of me it feels good to to dhte owrk
to love me it feels good to love me
i love me
it feels good to love this day
to feel good wakingup to want to live
to have a reason
to get up oin the morning
feels good to have a good dady
to want to work out
it feels good to
expect miracles to
expect the best toknow i am
loved and that life loves me
it feels good to allow life to love me
to feelgood
to feel good to el g
let go of the rest
to never hold on to anything
because it only hurts me
love i love that i cna let the
rest go and that i never have to
hold on to anything
i can just choose the knowing feeling
i love that
i can just
choose the knowing feeling
it fesls go
feels good to know the fkn
the knowing feel to feel the
knowing feeling it feels good to
allow it to flow thorugh me to know
that i
i know that iw anted i wanted this
i aksed
asked for this i love that i kno
i love that i know
i asked for this i love
that i asked for this
i love that i asked for this
i love that i asked for this i love
that i get to feel good that i get to love
i love that i get to love i lov that
i can
get to grow my
i love feeling good i love tuning in tapping
in turning on
to the magick and knowing that tha m
there is always magick in
everything it eels
feels good to focuso n the on the magick
to focus
on allowing the magick to flow
it feels good toa llow
to allow the magick to flow
through me to
it feels good to allow to feel good to feel the
of life flowing through me to look for the magick in everything
feels good to let the rest go
to allow the rst t
to flow through me it feels good to just love
to just love it feel good
feels good to just love
and not hold on to anything esle
feels good to make the choice not to care
to allow the magick of life
to flow thorugh me
through me
loving my life i love that there is so much to love
i love that i nkow that
i know the secret to life and it’s that i am
the craetor i
creator i love that
i get to choose i love that i
get to choose
i am the creator
i get to choose he
the version i prefer i get to ch
to choose what i look for i get to
choose to trust my guy i
gut i get to choose to trust
my gut
i love feeling the feeling
of flowing of feeling the flow of feeling good about life
i love feeling the feeling of celebrating life
of taking the big leap
into my zone of genius
i love that i can do it i love
the feeling ofl oving myself
of believing in myself
i love
the feeling of feeling good i love the feeling
of feeling good
i am jjust
enjoying feeling good
enjoying likeing
wanting to be alive
todayi am
enjoying being
knwoing what
knowing what i kow
what i nkow
and making the choice