magick every day

i love doing the work every day
i love

making the time to tune
my vibration to tune

toward god i love feeling good i love
feeling relaxed i love coungint

counting i love the power of the focus
i love feeling good i love doing this work
the only work i love

getting in the vortex
i love

getting in the vortex

i love feeling good
letting it go and focusing on what i want to see i llv

love that i know i don’t owe

anyone anything i love
feeling free inthis here and now i love
feeling free

in this here and now i love
good engagement!!

i love feeling loved and
appreciated i love getting the scoop i love

being the confidant

i love drawing i love my hobbies i love
massages i love that there is
always more than enough

i love getting the best grilled cheese ever i love that
i knkw life
life is magick and i get

can just gete out of the way and allow
the magick to flow

i can always get out of the way
and allow the magick to flow

i can always look for what i want to see
i can

let it go and count i can
focus on counting and remember nothing
else matters i can
allow life to flow
through me i can

focus on the magic i lo

i love that i can
always focus on the magick flowing through me
i love that i can choose the

vortex here and now i love
that i can
the vortex here and now i love

doing this work
always doing this
only this work

i love doing this
work focusing on me

how i want
to feel what i want
to do

what i want to do

i can focus on how i want to feel
and feel it i can focus on how i want to feel

and feel it

i don’t have to allow anything
to get in the way i

i don’t have to allow anything
to get in the way i can choosehow i wa

how i want to feel i can

focus on my

own vortex

and that’s all i can

i can
focus on my own vortex and that’s all i can

do and i can choose to ignore the rest
just focus on one point

in the for


just focus within
on how i want to feel and feel it and

that’s all i can ever do
just choose what i prefer


to be left alone
to not feel like i’m constantly being watched

it feels good to take the time
to tune myself to what i prefer

to what i like

i like taking awla

walks enjoying

day i love enuo8h

enjoying the dya i love
enjoying the day i love that
there is always so much to appreciate

i love that i have a partner to go through life with i love
that i can choose to

appreciate that

i love doing me i love doing me
no matter what wan

and not caring what anyone esle

else thinks i love tat i cna
i cn always

always trust my gut instinct

and that’s all i can ever do

is trust my gut

that’s all i can ever do
is tune myself to how i

wnat to
want to feel ho
what i prefer

i can always tune myself to center
to one point and not let mky mind

get dragged arond

around i can always feel my way

back to center back to allowing
and choosed to love

to love instead of care

i am practicing loving

instead of caring

todayi am

i practice

loving instead of caring i practice
loving myself instead of caring

ad that’
that’s all i can ever do
is turn
within turn

turn the love within make the choice
to love and say thank you

to feel appreciated to feel loved to know

i am loved to know my life

is already perfect i know mky life
life is already perfect i love that i know
this i love

the better it gts i love
i love the better it gets i love

that i get to celebrate this
i love that i don’t have to care
i love that i get to make
the choice to feel

good i love that it’s already cleaned up i love
doing the vibrational aow

work i love that there is always vibrational work

that is helping me come into alignment
i love that i can

always come into alignment
i love that

i can always choose to
be me to stand up for me

for howi want
i want to feel i love that i get ot

to make the choice to refuse to suffer i love that
i get to feel good now that i get to feel

energized in this here and now i love that
i get ot feel good now i love
that i

don’t have to go there

that i have the choice
to keep celebratingl ife i

i get to make the choice to

keep celebreating

celebrating life

i love that i get ot make t

to make the choice to

keep celebrating life i love that
i get ot make
to make the choice

to keep feeling good and i never have to
allow anything to feel bad

i can just keep feeling good
and this work always works

even if i think i’m feeling good
ic an alway

always connect more
with my self and there is no

limit to how good i can feel i love
caring about how i feel i love

seeing the effects of the practice i love
seeing the effects i love
that iknow this

this is the magick life
and the more i do the work the ore i see
i see the magick
i love

that i am in the habit of looking
for what i want to see i love

that it’s easy to look for what i want to see

to ascend
to rise above the muck
into the here and now

i love that i know there is only
ever the here andnow

that it iwll
will only ever be right now
and i can always choose to feel good

int he

the here andnow
and now so i never have to care
what happens