money is not my supply

i love that i know
nothing outside of me is my supply
and i can always turn toward the supply within

money is not my supply
no person place or condition is my supply

i love that i know this i love
tapping into the all providing activity
of the divine mind within

i love that i feel good today i love that its a spa day
i love that we can afford haircuts!!

i love that life is good i love that life
is good i love that life is good i love
thatl ife loves me i love feeling the certainty of knowing that i love that today is a good day i love that life

loves me i love the better it gets i love the
better it gets i love the better it gets i ilove the

i feel fee

i love feeling at ease in my life i love that today

i stop trying i stop striving i stop
taking action and i just sit back and allow it

feels good to have the space and time to just
get out of the way

and allow

i love that i know money is not my supply
no person place or condition is my supply

my awareness understanding and knowledge
of the all providing activity of the divine mind within me is my supply

my consciousness of this truth

is unlimited
my supply is unlimited

i love that its flowing to me and through me i love tha t

there is so much to love i love that i know ther ei s

already more than enough i love
that my teeth are perfect i love

that i don’t have to worry i love that ai can
always tune in tap in turn on
to how i want to feel i love that i can

focus on what i want i love that i can
always look for what
i want

i love feeling good i love feeling light
i love feeling int he flow i ilove

having a reason to tidy up i love that life
loves me i love that

there is so much to love i love that life
is flowing perfectly through me i love that it’s a good day i ilove that

i love that there is no limit
there is no limit to how good i can feel i love turning
toward how i want to feel andk now

knowing that it’s life trying to help me
tryig to give me a sign
to turn toward the highlighted route

todya i am

to dayi

todya i am tapping into the
energy o flife
today i tap into the flow of life

todya i love life today i live my best life

i love living my best life i love
eating light i love eating good food i love

loving myself and taking care of myself
i love that there is so much to love i love

making the time to line up the energy first
line up the energy and he rest

the rest follows i know that
nothig outside of me is my supply
and i know that nothign that

that happens
matters i know it s

only ever me
i love

i love doing this work!!

i love feeling god coursing through my veings



i feel the god self i feel the god self within
me my

and knowledge of the

all proficing

providing source of infinite prosperity is my supply

my awareness of the all providing source
of infinite prosperity is my supply

and that’s all i need to look for

nothing else matters and i n

never have to try to obtain anything

i love feeling happy in this here and now i love
doing it i love doingthe work i love that i nkow its

it’s only ever a match to me i love that i know
that it’s only ever a match to me

i love doing the work and feeling good i love that
life loves me

i love feeling good i love
feelng tood

i love that i feel good todasy!!

i love that life is good i love that we made it

i know that my

understanding and knowledge
of the

i love the magick of the here and now
i love that i get to choose knowing

instead of wondering i love that i
get to choose to know i love that
i get to choose to know

i love that i get to choose the flow
that i get to choose to feel good

i love the better it gets i love that i am
letting it go more and more every day

i love that i am allowing life to flow through me
i love feeling elevated in my life experience

right now i love feeling at ease in my lfie

right now i love that life is good right now
and that anything i could ever wnat

already exists

today i am aware of my thougths and
emotions and i am turning

i am tuning

myself to the magick i look for the magick
and i am aware of the doubt thoughts
and the worry thoughts and i

turn those into magick i know that the magick
is always

here with me and i enjoy the ins and outs of life
i love that w emad

we made it!!

i love that we are doing it!!

i love that there is so much to celebrate

i love
taking care of my teeth

i love feeling good in my life i love
feeling at ease in my life

i love knowing

money is not my supply
no person place or condition is my supplyy

my awareness
and knowledge of the all providing
activity of the divine mind within me is my supply

i never have to try i never have to strain
i can just allow i can turn my attention toward getting out of the
way and allowing i know

it’s not up to me

i know it’s not up to me what happens

i nkow it doesn’t matterw hat happ

what happens i know that life loves me i kn

i now i can release i can turn the boat on
the vibration and just allow

i never have to worry or wonder
and i love that i am letting that go and
tuning myself toward
