move in to the here and now

i love that i don’t have to
care i love that i don’t have to care i love
that i know that whatever is happening

whatever is happening is happening
whatever is
is what is

thank you for what is
thank you
for what is i love everything
that is i love that i really


don’t have to care i love that i
don’t have to care i love
that i don’t have to care i love that i
can just love i love that
i can just love

i love that i don’t have to
care i love that i’ve come so far i love
that i

always act with love now i love
who i am i love loving i love
loving i love
loving i love lovig who i
am tuning myelf to the vibratoin
of source

and rememering the
remembering that the only
thing that ever cuts off the
flw is

thoughts thougths are the
th only thing that pinch it off
and thoughts
are typically out of the now
i know that

anything out of the now
cut o

cuts off the flow
cuts off the trust
the connectoin the
knowing and i love that i
get to feel the knowing the f

get to feel the knowing get
to feel the feeling i love that i
get to feel the
feeling the
feeling i love that i
get to feel the feeling the feeling the
the feeling i love

that i know that
nothing matters

i love that i know nothing matters
i love that i get to have fun
and enjoy enjoy

life i know that all
that matters is this here and now i know
that all

that matters
is how i feel right now and i love
that i know i can

i never have to let
anything get in the way of that
i love that i am enjoying this day
and i am choosing to let go
of anything

outside the now i love
that i can act with love

i love that i don’t have to
care i love that i don’t have to care

i don’t have to care i don’t have
to care i love that i never have to
care i love that i never havet o care i love

that i can always do my best i love
where ia m right now i love that i get to
feel validated i love that i know

i’m the best i love that i knwo i am
gi know i know i am go

i love that i now i am god i laove
that i know i canalways
alwaysa arrive in the here and now
i love that i now i ca

i can always arrive in the
the here and now i can alway s

i love feeling good i love
feeling good in the ehre

here and now i love that i live
in the here and now that’s where i live
that’s the only


i need to worry about

looking for a place
to live i love that i can
get ride of the rst i love

i know right here in this here
and now is always the best
the only place to be i love that i kno

i know the here and now is
the main event this is the main event and my only

job is to nejoy

enjoy life i t

in this here and now
and i can always act with love

i don’ thave to

care becase

because none of it is real i love
that none of it
is real i love that i nkow this
this work is the only thing that
is real the

here and now is the only thing that
is real and i am doing the work
to put it all down and

exist in the here and now

exist in the here and now

i am doing the work
to put it all down

and exist in the here and now and
i love that i don’t havet o care
to care i love that

i don’t have to care i love
that i don’t have to care about anytihng
i love that i can put
it all down i love that life
is good in this here an dno

and now move into the now

embrace the now

and let go of the reast and

and i know the t

that the now is
always right here

i love

that i don’t have to care i love
that i kow

i know i love that i know
everything is unfolding perfectly

i love that i know
everything is unfolding

i love that everything is unfolding
perfectly ilove that i
feel good i love that
i feel calm i love i love that
i feel calm i love that i

feel loved and appreciated i love that
i know life loves me i love letting go
and entering the now

i know there is only the now
i nkow that
the thoughts

are the only thing that
can drown me and i know i can

quiet the mind

i know i can do it
i’m up for it
and i know it

is the only thing that matters

the static

the ice
the moment
the now the

the static
the ice

the now i love that i get to love
in the here and now it
will never not be right now
i love that it will never not
be rightnow

i get to love i love
that i get to love
i love that i get to love i love that

i get to love i love that
i get o l
to love i love tha i
i get to feel good i love

that i get to feel good i love
that i the wor

the moment is all there is i love
that i get to love the here and now i love
that i get to l

love the here and now i love
that i get to
to love the here and now i love

that i get to love that

here and now i lovedoing
the work

i love loving me i love

that i can

do it i can love the here

the here and now i can let go
of the rest the rest doesnt’ matter
and it’s only

me creating it im

it’s my choice what i create
i know it’s a magnet to the
feeling more than anything so


that’s why all that matters

is feeling good now

all that mattes is

is feeling good now

do i have
the mental discipline
to enter the now

and stay here?

i do i do di

i do

i have the strength

the mental fitness

to live i the now
in the now i can do it
i can do it i can
do it i know i can e

i know i can do it
i can let everything go
and just feel the bliss of the moment

feelt he bliss of knowing

will work out perfet

perfectly fee t
the bliss of knowing ti

it already did