my job is to ignore my problems

if anything i think
my current point of contrast
is mostly just helping
me to focus
on the god within
just a reason to turn my focus
toward the spirit within

because i know i don’t want to feel mad
i don’t want to feel bad

but i do when i think certain thoughts
about toher



i know that certain
thoughts feel bad and
certain ones feel good
so i just focuson the
ones that feel good

and don’t give any power
to the rest and i love that htis
this is helping me learnt

that feeling bad
doesn’t do any good

i love that i don’t have to
care and i love
that my powr is

is in staying focused
on my vortex i love that i have
the powr to

say oh well

i love that i have the power
to say oh well i love that
i at least recognized

that i didn’t have to go there i love
that i am noticing more and more
that itjust doesn’t matter

it happened oh well
i love that we are learning to
be happy anywhere

i love that we are learning that
i love that we get to take this
journey and do this work i love that i
get to feel good about my work and who i am

i love that i get to feel good
about the mystical work i do i
know that it is important i know that
this work is important and i love
that i afford myself

the time and energy to
remember who i am and i love that
the contrast helps me do that
as well i love that
i can feel myself

aligning with the watcher self
the noticing self i can align
with the noticing
self i can zoom out

from this situation
i notice that there are things

i can take responsibility
for the version i am creating

i love that i have the power
to let it go and mostly the energy
is helping me focus because its helping
me remember

i don’t


to care i don’ want to care
about the bs and the contrast helps me

do that because

caring feels bad
and not caring feels good i love that
i am learning not to care i love
that i can

rise above i love that
i get to rise above

i love that i have to power
to let it go i love that i have the

power to let it go

i love that i know my power
and my power is in my not caring
and through letting
it go i learn
that i don’t have to care

i don’t have to hold
on to things that make me upset

i can let them go i love
that i can let it go i love doing
me i love that i get to

to me i love that i
never sacrifice me and
that it’s always

easy for me to come back to
center and know that
everything is working out

i love that i don’t have to care

because i am a part of somthi

something bigger i love
that i can choose to feel love i love

more than enay

anything this is helping
realize i don’t have to

i love that contrast helps
me realize the power of me

i love that i ge tto
to feel good now i love that i
get to feel good


i love that powr of
me i love the power of making
the choice not to care i love
that p

the power of feeling the power of
me in this here and now i love that
i don’t have to care i love that

i don’t have to care

i love that i don’t have to care i love
that i’ve let that go and through the power
of letting that go i am learning to let it
all go

all goo

it’s all goo

and i don’t have to care i can
just say thank you for where life

is taking me i know that more
and more i am learning that

where you are

isn’t a source of happiness

it can only ever come from within
and i ove that i am learning this

i love that i can look for
what i want to see i love that it
helps us guild

build our online presence i love
that it helps us focus i ove that

more than anything
contrast helps me

let it go i love that
life is helping me i love that
i don’t have to

put any of my energy on that
i love that its helping us

focus i love that its fuel for the
first i lov


i love that i can just focus on what
i want to fee and

see and
the contrast helps me do that

contrast helps me let it go

drop it into the abyssand

free from it

be free

allow myself to know that
the bike shop is ther eis you

if you are a match to it

life is good
and life loves me and i know this
i love that my power is in the
letting go i love

that i know

i love that i don’t have to care
i can simply choose to align with the


energy i love that life i s

is helping me take the tmo

emotional journey and there’s
nowhere to get

because i’m already there

there’s nowhere to get
because i’m already there

there’s nowhere to get
because i’m already there

let it go is my power
is on

in my letting go and i love
that life is

opening my eyes to that

no matter where you are
if you are in the habit
of bitching and

blaming you reality for how you
feel then you will find that

but if you can rise above and just
notice and let go

you can be at peace wherever you go

i odn’t have to analyze
or figure out

just move on that is the power
of contrast it helps you focus

and not care

where you are because
whever you got

wherever you go

there you are