my only responsibility is to be aware

i love that it’s workign
i love that it comes when i allow it i love

taking the big leap
into obscurity i love taking the big leap

i love letting it come to me i love
feeling the flow i love
feeling the flow i love

feeling the flow feeling the reflection of
me i love seeing the evidence
of my practice i love seeing the evidence

and knowing that came about
a reflection of me

the flow is always flowing the flow
is always flowing

and i love doing the work i love
that i’m that i love that it’s
allflowing i love
i love that i know life love me i love that
i know life love sme i love

feeling connected i love

totally confident
and i love doing the work i love that
i know the feeling comes about
on it’s own not as a result
of trying i love that
everything i want is always

coming to me

i love that it’s flowing i love
that i can always do the work in the air
and i ov
love that life is helping me do the work

align with the magickal
energy of life and i love that it’s

all flowing to me
just the way it should
i love that it’s all flowing
to me just the way it should

i love that it’s all working out and it’s

the divine consciousness
that i am is forever expressing
its true nature of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mine my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

therefore i am
i love that it just doesn’t matter
and i can let it go i love that i
can be a match to the feeling i love that
i can let it go and allow life

unfold i love that i can get out of the way
i love that i can get out of the way and allow
life to come to me i love that life i sgood
i nthis
this here and now i love that

life is good in this
here and now i love that

life is good in this here and now
i love that life is good in this
here and now i love that life

i am here now and i am lining up
the energy i’m going to use the magick
to allow that to unfold
and i’m going to get out of thew ay

i love the power of getting
out of thew ay i

i love the power of making the
choice i love the power of

making the choice

i love the power of making the choice

i love the power of making
the choice

i love the power of me
i love remembierng

remembering its the feeling
not thething

the thing didn’t bring it about

the feeling comes from
the feeling comes from

within and thinking
that it comes from

an outside source
ist what

what causes miser




i know that god loves me
and there is always more than enough
i love that i now

i know my power is in my ability
to allow god to help me

i love that it comes
to me when i open my window and allow
i love that i can feel good i lvoe
that i

can feel good inthis here and
now i love that i get to love and allow
i love that i get to love this
very moment and say
thank you i love getting it taken are
care of i love that the
wife did

i love being honest with myself
i love that i get to practice how i want to feel
i get to feel how i want to feel

and take the emotional journey

i love doing it for me
i love doing it for me

i love doing it for me
feeling the feeling for me
feeling the

feeling right now and
knowing it’s not the thing
that brings the feeling

it’s the other way around
and trust that with the feeling

comes the experience i seek

i love the feeling and i love that
i know the divine consciousness
that i am is forever expressing

its true nature of abundance
this is its responsibility not mine

my only responsibility is
to be aware of this truth

therefore i am totally confident
in letting go and letting god
appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs

i love that i know i love that
i know when i let go it flows and i get to choose

the feeling i want to feel
and allow the magick to do it
i love that i get to feel the
and know

that even if i got
what i think i want

it wouldn’t
bring about the feeling
i seek

maybe temporarily
but not sustainably
an not because of
the thing but because i
chose the feeling first

so of course the feeling
is there i can choose that
feeling now and that is what i see

i love feeling a sense of
ownership i love doing
it for myself i love

seeing the reflections and knowing
that it’s just energy i love knowing that
it’s just energy
i love knowing that it’s just energy
and that energy

knows what to do i love that life
is helping me take the emotional journey i love
doingthe work
the work and knowing that i am

creating by way

of focus

what i notice,
i get more of what i notice
i get more of what i notice
i get

i now this so ol

i look for thw at
what i wnat to see

i love ti’s

it’s flowing and i know

first i become it

then i see it and i love that
i now th

know this i love that
i’m getting there i love
that iow i am