not afraid to trust the powers that me

it always comes back to
the one feeling of loving myself
the single feeling of
love is the answer to every single


i love that i get to choose to love
this here and now i love the better
it gets i love that i get t

get to make the choice
to approve of myself i love that
i love that i get to

make the choice to
approve of myself and feel good
about my choice i get to
make the choice to

approve of my reality i love
the better it gets i love that i can
admit to myself that i am seeing
signs of improvement

everywhere i look
i love that i’ve made the choice
to feel good about my body
and now i do i love making the choice
to let it go i love the

power of deciding not to care
i love that i don’t have to care
and i love that i don’t have

to be right

i love that i can do this work i love
that i can focus into the right nnow ther
the here andow because it is all there is
i love that i get to


this here and now i love that
i get to make the choice to celebrate i love that
i’m not afraid to make the choice
to celebrate life i love that
i get to celebrate

i love that we get to
have fun i love the
better it gets i love that
i get to feel good now i love
that i get to feel good nwo

i love that i get to trust the
flow of life i love that i can

i get to say than kyou

instead of what if i love that
i know it’s only


a vibration
i love that i know it’s

a vibration i love
that i get to send the signal i love
that i get to send the signal i love

positive feedback i love
that i an

can stay focused

on the flow and know the

the flow always knows i love doing he
the work i love that i feel good about myself i love
that i get to feel good
about myself i love that i get to

love myself i love that i have
been doingt he work
the work to love myself and my
reality and when i dothe work

i truly feel better i love
trustingthe p
the power of me i love that
i know my power is in saying

yes thank you for this
here and now and i’m so happy
where i am right now
i know that i’s

the only choice i can ever

make i love that i get ot

feel good no matter what i love that llife
life helps me do tha ti love
going witht he flow i love feeling
good about life i love
that i’m feeling on

top of the world i love that
i can just allow life to come to
me as a reflection of my vibration

i love that it always comes
to me

i love that
i know its’ all coming to geth

together and it can only
come together in the air

i love that i get to feel
the feeling right now i love
looking for what i want to see
i love a

making the hcoice to trust the flow
to make the choice to create my best work
and then i do i love

when i’m creating i love
creating i love
that i am always

doing my best

i love seeing improvementi l

i love the better it gets i love
that it’s coming to me
i love opeinging

the gates ilove that
life is good i love that inow
i know i can
always i can always trust the flow
i can always

trust god to bring me
what i need i an
always trust the flow to flow
through me i can know that
every day is ithe

the best day of

my life i can trust the flow and kn

i love that i know

i love that i know the magick o f
of life i love remembering the
magick of life i love remembering that mag

magick of life i love
who i

that i know who i am
i love that iknowthe
the powr of me

i love the better it
gets i love

that this work alawys works

i love the better tis

it gets i love that iknow
my attention
creates i love that i get to
choose what i place

my attention on

so grateful for collabs
so grateful for

fresh baked

and a workshop
and a wife who loves me

and a

furnace that works
and a

workout i enjoy
and projects to work on
something to hlep

help us create i know that is
the universe pulling something
awesome through me i am a

allowing something aesoem
awesome to flow through me
i am leaning to

to throw myself into the work
and allow the work to

work me i am allowing the work
to come through me

uninterrupted i am
allowing the flow to

do the work i am

letting go of the

strive i am letting go
of being oddly nervous or worried for
some reason all the time i’ve
decided to let that
go and relax into the moment i

i’e de

decided to be brave enough to love this moment
to love me in this very moment i lovethat
that life is helping

so much in this place

i am making

i am transcending my dna

so grateful to do the

to know

how to transcend to know that
life led me here and it will lead me other
places not in my control

thanks god for everything and i feel
the feeling of love i feel the feeling of love
about life knwo
i know that every day is good and not

nothing outside of me amtt
matters it is only inside and
i can choose the feeling of celebrating

every day and when i do

it celebrates me i love that i know this
i love that i get to look for


i want i love that i get to hcoose
choose what evidence i look for i get to choose
what i look for and that is

my choice i get to choose i get to choose i
get to choose i love you ilove that
i lov eyoui love

i love that i am feeling good about life
i love that i get to approve of myself i love that
i can let; e

everything else go i love that
i can change my past i love

that i get to love myself now

i love doing my best