nothing matters

i’ll always know that nothing matters
i’ll always know that nothig
matters and life is just going to happen

life is just going to happen
the way it happens and there isn’t anything
i can do besides just watch
the waves rise and fall and that

is life

the waves rise and fall
and the sea
is just along for the ride and
i am
the sea

i love doing this work and going
deeper i love feeling the feeling i love waking up
knowing it will be a good day
i love

waking up just
riding the wave and that

that’s all i can ever do i know that
all ic an e

can ever do is ride the wave i know that
all i can

ever do is ride the wave i know

i know that the wave i know that the
wave rides me i know that

the focus i can foucs with

within all i can do focus within
all i can do is enjoy this life enjoy this life

all i can do is enjoy this life

all i can ever do is enjoy this day ll i

all i can do is focus within
and die to live

all i can do is die to liveall

all i can do is die to live

i love the better it gets i love the
better it gets i love that i know it’s

it’s just for me i know that
life i
i know that

it’ just for me and i am
the observer i love
that i know

none of it matters

it’s just a simualtion
i know that life
is just a simulation

i love the better it gets i love the
bettter it gets
i love leaning into the flow i love

leaning into the flow i love
feeling the healing energy flow through me i love
feeling the healing energy flow through me
i love

feeling the healing energy flowing through
me i love that i
feel the feeling of truly not

having to care i know tht i

i don’ thavet o care i kow that
that i don’ thave to be mad

and i can make th choice right now
to enjoy life i love that
i get to make the choice right now i love

the better it gets i love
feeling the flow of life flowing through me i love
feeling good i love
doing this work the only work
i love letting th

the rest go i love that

letting of the skin
i love shedding the old skin
and waking up

my best self i love
waking up every day

as my best self i love
taht i can

can always

trust the vortex to be my life
to be my energy i can always

trust the vortex to be my

i love that i don ‘thave to
care i love that
i don’t have to care i love
that i don ‘thav

have to care i love that

i love that i don’t have to do the work i love
feeling the feeling in this
this here and nnow i love
that i get to feel the feeling
i this


in this here and now
i love wher eia m
where i am right now i love

getting in the vortex and then i love
getting in the vortex
and then i love doing the work i love
doing the work i love

doing the work i lovedoing

doingf the

the work i know that the
work is all there is i love that
i know i love that i know i love

that i know i love
that i get to

to die to live

die to live i love
that i get to die

to live i love that i get to die to live
i love that i get to celebrate life i love
that i get to celebrate life in this
here and now i love that
i ge tto ce

celebrate life in this
this here and now

today i will focus on the truth today i will
stay focused within
today i will remember ia m god
and celebrate life today i am

looking for reasons to celebrate

today i am living my best life
today i am celebrating
my best self

today i am best self
and i allow the god enerngy
to folow
flow throuhg me

knowing i never have to get anywhere
or change anything
about wh i a

who i am i know that i never
have to change anything
i now
i know that lif i sper
life is perfect how it is i know that
life is perfect how it

already is i know that

life is

alreayd is the
way i want it to be i alreayd



my best self i already
am my best self i love that
i know this i love that i
get to make
to make the choice
the coice for what i want

i get to make the choice
to feel good i get to make the choice
to feel good i get to make
the choicet o celebraet life

celebrate life and i love
that i get to feel

anim atedby that knowledge

i get to not care i get to
celebrate my best self
in this h
this here and now i get to celebrate my best

self in this here and noi

i get to celebrate me i get to
celebraet life

life in this thi s

here and now i g

i love the better it gets and i love
tath i
that i get to do it for me today i get to

live my best life and i get to
do it for me

today i celebrate life today i know that
life is good today

i embrace

i embrace my inner child
and nurture her
and allow her to shine
through allow her to be

allow her to rise to the surface
and allow all my positive energy
to shine and not be dulled

today i am my best self!!

today i love myself!!