only me

shes only me
they’re only me

they are literlall

not outside of me
they are me
tis up to me
its up to me
to make the choice to use the owe of me
to ccreate

the version i prefer

what do i know

am i doint what

am i really doing


its hard
its on m only choice
i create problmes

because its easier
than bliss but i dont have t
o get in
the ay of bliss i cna b

alllow bliss no matter what
i acan
can allow blis no matter what
and i know the

rst is in’t up
to me

this is its responsibility not

this is its responsiblity
not mine this is its repons

responsibility not mine
this is its responsibility not mine

what do i know
for sure

what do i ow for sure
the a

particles arrange
the particles
arrange the particles arrange

what do i know for sure
waht do i nkow

for sure i know the one and only
truth i know its m
i know tis


its the energy of me the
enegy of love
of love i want to feel the ene

energy of love
i want to havve fun
i want to have a good attitu

i want to feel grateful
allow mys

allow myself to be grateful
for all that hg
god has b

is givine me in every moment
knowing its responsiblity not mine

i knwo i now the noe

one and only ruth

truth i nkwo the one and only truth

i am open to recieving i am open
to love ia m choosing the
feeling i want to feel i drive with

the feelign i drive with the feeling
id rive with the feeling i drive
life with the
feeling i must feel the feelnig

i feel the feelign now
i feel the feelig now

i now the one and ony

and only truth the only
one and only truth

the inescapable

work with it or gith

fight against it but its ture

nothing matters besides the energy

beesides whta i bleieve
ig et work work
on what i belive i get to choose

its not up to u

to question
i know tht i
its all perfect i know that life is perfect

its all
perfect its all sweet its all better than
ever i all

its all me its the energy of me and i get to choose
it i get
to choose it get to allow the res
t to
slip away and just be god knwoign that

life is doing it life is doing
it life is reflecint the bliss

totally confident

totally confident
totally confident

and secure and trusting in life
i am confident becausee i know i am
the crateo

creator and its has to reflect me
i am was

aware i am the one and only creator

totally confident that life
is alays going my way
no matter what happnes

totally confidnet that life
is always going my way no matter what


confident that lfe
is always going my way no matter wht happens

i know th
the feeling of knowing i am
te boss of the feeling
of knwoing o i kow

i know the feeling of knwoing
it already is i know that i

it alreayd is alife
lif i already is no matter what happens

its reflecting the enreg of me
and that can hange

i know hat i can always flip thw

switch accpet the swithc know
the switch

know the bliss of not ccaring
know the bliss

no long limiting the unlmtiedd

he blis the bliss of not caring
of knowign nothing missing s
nothing missing of getting it back
fo finding my center

remembering who i am m
remembienr my value
kknowing i always do my beest that id id my

my best that i can c
have compassion for myself that it ried that
i did my est

i ddi did my best that its taken care of eaer

that i reallyd ont cao
doint car that i nwo the
gthe go self
that i knwo the magic
that i kwo the mgaic

is always on my sid e
that the magic
is alll there i
there irea

really is i know the power of m
the power of the preerence
of the feeling of choosing the feeling

i knwo the one and only rut

so grateful we have the money!
we can afford it!

and we get to go with friends!

our sweetie!

we get
grateufl tis out

our pinnacle and it sfeels like nothing
so grateful get
we get to do it

so grateful for the we d

for my big bag
for the money to afford to fly ccompfortable

totally confidnet
in letting god
and letting god

appear as the abundant
all sufficiency

letting god appear as the abundant all sufficiency

the one and only truth
and i know it

i know it for sure

i knwo it for sure
i nkow tif o

for sure


do i know

for sure???

the energy


floolws the

that’s it

lookking for evidence
of magic

of love
of god

looking for evidence of god
in everything i now

i knwo its all me its all in the air
and i can change it every second

so grateful life is working out for me
for all the magic in lfie
so grateful for all the magic
in my flie
life tha

all the magic always coming my way
so grateful fot he magic of life
for the magick

always flowing for the magic flowing

fort he tie and space to remember
the one and only truth
to now it to
stay b
standy by it to

to stand it to really live by it
to really
live by it todri

to drive with the feeling
and look for what i want to see