i know the answer to everything

and it’s god it’s totality
it’s total devotion to the source within

because when there isn’t total devotion
there is resistance

there is ego there is a belief in the
separation between god and self

but thre isn’t anything separate
there’s only ever me and my choice
to create what i want to see

only i can create it
only i can be aware of my thoughts
only i can

be ware
only i can be aware io

only i get to choose where i focus
my energy what i feel towards i know that
i can feel incrementally

toward the version i prefer
i know that its best

not to look at it

i can do it i can do the work
i know the feeling i know all
there is is the feeling and know

the harderst hi

hardest thing
is also the easiest and i know

its nothing i know that
nothing ic

is all i can do and i love
that its true i love that its true

i love wher ei am right now i love
thatl ife comes to me i love htat
life comes to me

thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you

thankyou tht
thank you thank you thank you

thank you thank you thank yoiu
thakn you thank you thank you

thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you

thank you thank you for the abilty
ability to focus
to be aware of my thoughts of the version
i’m creating to always ask myself

is that what you want i love doing this work
i love that i get to choose and then tha’ts
how it is i ilove
i love that i never have to wonder i love

that i get to be aware of how i feel and
then choose to feel the for the other side of the
and i love that i know

the work

always works this work always work s

i’m feeling more tuned in
than ever more knowing than ever

more tapped into my power than
ever before and i kno that
my pwoer is a feeling
and not only that but

totality of power

totality of power
is a feeling totality of

power is a feeling

i now th
i know that i know ths i know this
feeling of letting go i know
that the

artwork sucks

when you try the art sucks when you try
and life is art to


just have fun with it just allow it
to flow through me
and just

trust it

just trust
don’t try to ahrd

to make it into something

know that it’s always flowing
without me
it’s always creating the best possible
version without me

so ig et t

get out of the way i get out
of the way and allw

allow life to create it

i love the power of the focus
i knotice

notice where the focus is
and i can always bring it back to
center back to


back to the frequency of god
and it’s easy to feel good when you know
life is going your way and i love
that it’s ehti

this easy i know tis’

it’s really this easy
life is really meant to feel this easy
to be this easy and i love

that i never have to wonder i never

have to question it
i never have

to question it

i can feel good i can feel good about
that i can do the work

the work i do is to be aware of how i feel
and align with how i want to feel
and i’m feeling good then

milk that feeling

enjoy it
this work helps me remember who ia m
that i am a vibrational being

so grateful i know so grateful i know
so grateful to do the work
to feel the god self i feel the god self

i get to choose to be excited about everything
i love feeling the effects

i love feeling good i love
feeling the resistance release i love
that it’s easier and easier i love that
i know

this is my choice this is my choice

it’s my choice how i feela nd
and it’s my choice

which version i live
i love that i get to live this
creative life i love

being aware that i get to choose
and that i never have to


just choose and its just aht
this easy thiss easy this
easy i love that i canalways
choose love and the way to do that

is to let go of the rest i love t
hat i get to choose to love my life right now

i love feeling lifted
i love feeling lifted i love

feeling the flow i love

i love feeling the feeling of love
i love that i get to chose that i get to chooes

the rsona

resonance i love that i knowi am
god and i get to live my life knowing this i love

feeling the feeling of god i love
feeling lifted i love feeling good i love that
i can always just trun it

turn it on i love that it’s this easy
to enjoy every omme

moment to love every moment
to allow the moment
to allow god to love god to choose god
to choose

to choose the version i prefer
and hcoose tchoose
to know that it exists

i know that it’s allme

i am the one and only creator
i am
the one and only creator
i am the
one and only creator

i love that i know
i love that it’s all the feeling
it’s all so easy

god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance
of the universe

this all providing source of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me
the reality of me

god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of
the universe
this all providing source of
infinite prosperity

is individualized as me
the reality of me

i love that i get it i know
i know what i am and that i can
rely totally on that
god version of myself
that i am always creating
i know that i am
always creating no matter what
and that it’s easy to

turn my creative attention toward what i want to see
and the little by little i do!!
i know

i know from life experience
that this is how life works and i know

all of life is how
i feel right now
right now
right now

grateful to focus

grateful to choose where i
put my thoughts and attention
grateful to choose the version i
create i’m choosing
to create

on purpose
not just allow life to create for me
so i allow the contrast to help me focus
on the part i want and know
that it is on the other side of the wave

gratefult o choose singular focus
to tap in to drop out
to choose the feeling to tap into the
feeling of

communion with god
i’m with god right now and iam
god right now i am god right now

so i can choose i can choose
i choose the relief
of the other side of the wave and i
can always line up with it
in totality

i can choose totality i can choose
to create on purpose
not just allow my thoughts
or someone else’s thoughts to take me
for a ride

i can decide

i get to choose the
ride i’m taking

i get to decide i get to
decide the ride i’m taking

i get to choose it i
get to choose it

i get to create on purpose
i get to choose where
i put my attention
i get to choose to create on purpose
i get

to choose love i get to choose
to allow the

life to flow again crazy that life
always flows again

crazy that i am the

i can lift up my mind
and heart i can lift up my mind and

to be aware to understand
and to know that the divine presence


is the source and substance
of all my good

i’m focused on the god self in the
here and now i’m tuned in the hre and now
i’m with god in this here and now i’m

with god in this
here and now i’m with god in this
here and now

i am god i am in totality with god
and i can let go of the rest and i know that
is mky power
and i can always choose to use my power

i can always choose that power i can always
come back to that power to that
knowng ot

to that total release
remembering that nothing is real can

and i create it all i
get to choose i get to choose thep ower of

i recognize the power of me
i know the power of me i choose the
power of me i love the power of me
i love the power

of me i love the power of me i love
the power of me i love the power of me

i love the power of me i love
making the choice to feel good to align
with the version i want

to know that every thought
creates to know that

attention creates

i love the feeling of the focus
of the hoice
choice of showring

shoring up the cohice
choice i love
shoring up the choice il ove

that i get to choose i love
that i get to choose
the version i create and
that every single thing

is up to me i love that
i can deice

decide and let it go i love that i know
the power of me i love tha ti know

i know the powr of me

i know i nokw the power of me
and its in the totality
and i love that i know that’s
the answer to

everything because all problems

are in the mind all problems

are in the mind
i love that i know this
so grateful for the presence of god within me

so grateful i know so
grateful i know the god self is
always here and while i am in
the god self i am perfect

nothing needs to change
it feels good to
align to do the tuning work it feels good
to tune thyself

it feels good to feel good
to look toward feeling good

to feel toward feeling good
to make the choice
to be able

to just drop shit
right then and theere

yall hoes still have an inner dialogue?!?!

i love hat i
that i get to choose to ee
feel good and that is my power i love
feeling the power fna

and releif o

relief of totality
i love that i get to choose
i love that
i get to choose the version

it’s only me it’s only me
it’s only
me it’s only me it’s only

ever me it’s only ever me
and i know the power of me
i know the power of me i know

that i get to choose i know that
i get to choose i know that
i am god i know that
i create with the feeling
and the feeling is

either on or off
and i love that i can
always feel the feeling of
god and you’ll know it’s the
feeling of god

when you know for sure
that you don’t need anything else

when you know
for sure that god takes care of
everything that is the feeling of
god and when you know that
everything is provided

it is.

you have to know it you
have to be right there with
the knowledge

i am the creator and i
get to decide i love that i know i love
that i see evidence
of it everywhere i love
feeling the feeling knowing the feeling

of god

knowing the feeling go

of god i knowt he
feeling of god the connection with
god the connection with god
the feeling of god is

the nkowing t
knowing that god is all there is

the inner world is all there is

god is all there is and
i am with god i am with god and i know
that god is always

on the case i can

relax into god
i can always return to god

i place my ENTIRE FOCUS

on the god withing

i place my ENTIRE FOCUS

on the god within.

keep my mind and thoughts

off this world and place my entire
focus on the god within as the only

cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence
as the only activity in my financial affairs
as the substance of all things

i place my faith in the principle
of abundance in action within me.

i choose totality i choose the truth
and truth is that i get to decide the truth i know tha t
i get to deicde


decide the truth

i keep my mind and thoughts off this
world and place my entire focus on the
god within as the only

cause of my prosperity i acknowledge
the inner presence as the only activity
in my financial affairs

as the substance of all things visible

i know this

i keep my mind and thoughts
off this world i keep my mind and
thoughts off this world

and place my entire focus on the
god within as the only cause of my


i acknowledge the inner presence
as the only activity in my financial affairs

as the substance of all things visible

i place my faithin t

in the prinicple of abundance
in action within me

totality and that means total
trust in god and total appreciation of god

in this here and now this day

today only only today
only this oment oment

in this moment only
and in this moment is god

totality in this moment totality inthis moment
oment t

only god in this moment
onlly the feeling i this
inthis moment

totally knowing totally trusting god
knowing it will be bigger and better than
even i can imagine

i keep my mind and thoughts
off this world

and place my entire focus


total devotion and that’s
all there is and that
is my freedom that is

my freedom in life that
is my freedom

god in this here and now is
my freedom and i feel it
i feel for the knowledge
and i know that

feeling is always right here and now
i love feeling it build i love
that i know
attention to god
builds up the god self within me
i love that

i can choose god as a response to everything

the answer
and the question i love that
i know i love that i can let go of the
rest and relax into life
i love that
i can always relax into the god self i love
doing this work
and aligning the energy

i love deciding to feel good
to look for the best i love
looking for the best i love t

being a match to the
best i can receive i love
having a good attitude
i love tuning my attitude

to love

i keep my mind and thoughts

mind and thoughts

off this world and place my
entire focus on the

god within as the only cause of
my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence
as the only activity in my financial affairs

as the substance of all things
visible i keep my

i place my faith
in the principle of abundance
in action

within me

all about the focus
the knowledge and the devotion to it
i know i know

that’s all there is the knowing
or not and ic an always

move toward the knowing of god
teh re
the release of god the

the god in this moment

grateful to know this
to know this to know this
i don’t have to think about anything
else i elebate

elevate to a higher level knowing
it all reflecs me and
allowing myself to live according to that

knowledge it feels good to rememeber
to feel good to

celebrate life the
way god wood it feels good to feel
good to feel elevated to feel tuned

to have a good feeling
i have a good feeling
it feels good to have a good feeling

to be totallyfocus
focused on a good feeling

to be totally devoted to
a good feeling and i know the ower
the power of me t

i know the power of me i know the power
of mei know the power of ma

me and i live my life according to this
knowledge i know it reflects me
and that i can hone

these vibrations these feelings
these solutions


other sides of the wave
i can choose the other side of the wave
i choose
the other side of the wave

i love that it’s all there i love
that it’s vlowing
flowing i love that it’s my choice
to look toward god

i keep my mind and thoughts
off this world and place my entire focus
on the god within as the only

cause of my prosperity.

i acknowledge the inner presence
as the only activity in my financial affairs

as the substance of all things

i place my faith in the principle of
abundance in action within me.

so grateful to do this work
so grateful for everything god gives me

for this chance to live for the
chance to do something fun with my

to enjoy life right now to enjoy love
right now

to enjoy life through my connection
to sourced to

to feel the energy of source
runneth through me

to place all of my focus on that
knowledge and feel the releif of it

to fee up

feel uplifted by the knowledge
to know that life
always reflects me

to feel the
feeling of to love the
feeling of life

and trust it

i love the feeling of life flowing through me
the feeling of

totality i love the feeling
of totality

of totally letting go
and i’ts right now
there’s no

journey it’s now
it’s on or off
it’s on or off

it’s on

it’s easy to access because its right here

totally letting go and letting

giving up!!

giving in !!

only focusing on the god within
and i know this is life
this is my power

this is my power

my power

is knowing my power.

i love doing this work

thank you for this day
thank you for the feeling for relief

for god for

validation for
a good day thankyou so much for a good day
and i can feel

my role in that
grateful to do the work and
feel the effects
to kknow the
to know the effects

so grateful to know the affects
grateful to know the affects
so grateful for tihs
here and now for this
here and now

so grateful to do this work
to feel the feeling the god feeling

why am i here

why do i do this why
take the time

because i’m tuning
i’m remembering
that i don thave to worr

worry i never

have to wonder and is as
easy as a quantum leap

grateful to do thiw work
to feel the energy of god to connect with

the energy of god to channel my own
ideas my own connection to infinite intelligence

it feels good to do this work
to focus in this here and now
to practice my focus

on feeling good allow myself to focus
in the here and now to feel the
connection to the here and now

i feel the connectio to th

to this here and now

i’m focused on the truth i’m focused
on the god self i’m focused on the god self

on the god self i feel the god self i feel
the god self i allow the god self i commune with

the god self

thank you thank you thank you
for this day grateful for this day

grateful tot une
to tune to feel the
feeling to feel the
feeling of connection with god
of knowing god i

of knowing the truth of
celebrating the tuthr

truth the feeling of releasing
all resistance

it feels good to drop in
drop out

it feels good to drop out

love this here and now
and love the feeling love the
feeling of god

love the feeling of god
so grateful for this day
for everything coming my way

so grateful to everyone
so grateful for the life
this life so grateful for this
life for this life

so grateful for this life

grateful to focus on the truth
the truth i know the totality
of the truth so grateful i get to choose it

i get to choose it
i get to choose it

so grateful

thank you thank you thank you

thank you thank you thank you

it’s only me it’s only

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled
i am now aware of this truth

i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge that
the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy
that is continuously

and effortlessly

pouring forth from my
divine consciousness

i am now aware
i am now in the flow

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life
and can relax i the know

in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow

the radiation of creative energy
which is continuosly


and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware

i am now in the flow

i am aware
i am aware i am

of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

and i know that
my proximity
to the god self
is the

only thing that affects the output
of life i know this i know this
and i know mkky only work

the only journey

is not a journey
and its not work

its an on or an off
and its that easy

on or off

with god or
blocking god
and that’s all there is

with god
or believing
thy is separate


1 or 0

on or off

and there’s nothing in between
the ego wnats t
there to be but there isn’t

there’s no journey there’s
only a switch and i come here to
practice flipping the switch

flipping the swithc to

to feeling of god to the
feeling of knowing that i am

already totally fulfilled

i know life is all the feeling
i know its only the feeling

i’m so
very very
to feel


grateful to feel grateful

all that matters is proximity to god

and there’s either with god
or you’re blinded by the ego
and think you are not god

but you are
i am i am god i am the one and only creator
and i get to decide

the version i create iget

get to decide only me
i get to decide

i’m not going to

create the version i don’t want

and i know all that matters
is knowing god knowing the god self

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth

i have found the secret to life
and can relax

in the knowledge

that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillemnt


i am totally fulfilled
i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life

and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance

is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow

the radiation of creative energy
which is continuously
easily and effortlessly pouring forth from
my divine consciousness

i am now aware

i am now in the flow.

i love doing the work

i love feeling the neergy
energy return knowing that it never left
there was just some stuff blocking it
but even that aspect is beautiful

becuaae it allows you to come back to center
allow you to come back to feeling good to
feel the feeling of aligning again

so grateful to feel good in my life

so grateful to feel good in my life
to commune with god so grateful to commune with god
to feel the feeling of god to

feel the god self
to feel the god self

so grateful to allow myself to be a money
magnet to say yes

to everything that is
so grateful to say yes

to everrything that is
to feel good so grateful to feel good
to feel good

to feel good to feel good to feel good

grateful to have a good day
grateful to know it already is
gratefl to

commune with god to
align with god

gratefl to

to align with god to say tahnk you
thank you

grateful to say

thank you to say thankyou


to say

thank you to feel good to feel good to
feel good to feel good to feel

good to feel good to feel
good to focus on the flow to feel the
flow flowing through me

to say yes to tit

when i am aware of the god self w
within meas my

as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth

i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge that
the activity
of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which is continuously
easily and effortlessly pouring forth
from my divine consciousness

i am now ware

aware i am now in the flow

i am now ware

i am now in the flow

so grateful to feel good to
feel rested to feel energized to know it
already is it already is the way
i want it to be

so grateful to celebrate
to really turn the corner

of feeling good it feels good
to feel good

so grateful to feel good
to have a good to feel the god self
to feel the flow
to be aware of the flow

to be aware of the version i create in
every moment

knoiwng i can
i can always drop in
i can always drop out

i love feeling godo now
good now feelng god now
knowing god now knowing i am god now

i love that i know this i love
that ife

life is good

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth

i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge that the
activity of divine abundance

is eternally opertain in my life

i’m tuned i’m tuned i’m tuned
to god i love the feeling og f

of god i love knwoing god
i love coming back to god

i can wander but the god self
is always here and i know this

i know i never have to worry i know
i never have to wonder

and that’s what

mind training is

i love feeling the effects of the practice
i love feeling good
knowing life is always on my side i love

knowing that life is always on my side
i love knowing that i never have to wonder

it’s ok

it just doesn’t matter
it just doesn’t matter

it felt o

so good to relax into the moment to allow
the moment toa llow myself to


it feels good to allow and nothing else matters
beating myeslf up

certainly doesn’t matter and i know

it always comes back around
so enjoy how i’m feeling now it
feels good to enjoy life
right now

enjoy life as it is and say
thank you it feels good to enjoy life
as it is and say

thank you

i can’t believe i used up so much
energy dreading this all day

its pathetic and embarrassing
cowgirl up

but i’m so depleted
i’m so used up i’m so weak and tired
with no motivation but i guess that’s
the version ipm

i’m prep

but i can just allow it
allow the downtime
embrace the downtiem

just say yes to what is right
now tune yourslef to cener right now

but i can’ i feel like shit
and i’m tire dan d

strangely mad?

and feel like total shit and have
for the lat 3 days
but i guess

its better than having a cold!

easy to do the work

easy to focus
easy to allow the feeling to flow
through me easy to focus
to feel the power of the here and now
to relax into this her ean dnow

here and now this moment
to allow the feeling to allow myself
to love

it feels good to allow myself to love
it feels good to allow
myself to love to allow the feeling
to choose to feel good i can
do it i can focus now i can

focus now

my consciousness of the spirit
within me as my unlimited source
is the divine power to restore the
years the locusts have eaten
make all things new

and lift me up to the high
road of abundant

this awareness
and knowledge of spirit
appears as every visible form and

i could possibly

i can feel goodn ow i can feel
can feel good now i don’ have
to resist

don’t have to fear

don’t have to feel bad
don’t have to
feel bad i never have to feel bad i

never have to feel bad

i’m here i’m here i’m here
i’m lifted i feel good i feel good i’m

lifted in this moment

this awareness understanding
and knowledge appears as every visible form and expeirence

i could possibly desire

i can do it i can do it i can

tune myself

thank you thank you thank you
for this here and now thankyou
for this

here and now thank you
for this here and now thank you

for this here and now for
this moment ot feel too

good now i can always

tune myself i can always tune myself
i can always choose love
and let go of ther est i can

always choose to say yes
to jump into it to feel good

i can always feel good i ca
cn al

can always feel good i can always

have a good attitude
i can always love i can always allow i can

always say yes

thank you!!

so grateful i know so grateful i know
that life always reflects

my proximity to god

life always reflects my proximity tog god

i love that i know this i love that
i feel good now i love feeling the release i love
doing this wor this work the only work
i love

that this is the only work
i love

that this
is th

the only work
i can do it i can
do it i

i just return to focus
return to now and i feel the
relief of god

taking over

returning to focus
returning to god

i want to do it
i want it to be good i want to feel good

want to of

i want to offer my support i wnat to be there
i want to tell my stories
i want to feel good

i want to want to i want to
want to

i can

i can release and feel good
i can release and feel good i can shoo

choose to feel good i can
choose to feel good

i can choose to feel good

i choose to feel good i choose
the flowi choose
i the

the flow i choose the flow i choose
feeling good i choose feeling good
i choose feeling good

i can do it i can do it
i can always address the enegy i can
always allow the energy i can

always chooseme first
i can always allow the feeling i can

allow myself to feel good i can
always allow the resistant

thoughts to rise i can always
getin the vortex and then

my consciousness of the spirit
within me as my unlimited source
is the divine presence
to restore the years the locusts have eaten

make all things new

and lift me up to the high road of abundant prosperity

this awareness understanding and knowledge of

appears as every visible form and expeirence

i could possible


maybe i will feel better
i mean i know i will feel better

why does it weigh on me?
why is it soemthing i dont’ want to do??

because i feel stifled
like i cant say anything good that happened to me

i feel that its a chore becuase its hard
becausei dont want to hear heavy sighs

its so lame
of me

to think wthat
that way

i just want to stick to my own life
worry about myself feeling good

not someone else
but its not like that

i just want to feel good

it make sme

makes me mad that i ‘have’

to do it

i can dune
tune myself i can tune myself

it’s easy

it’s easy to feel good its easy
to love the moment its easy
to return to the totality of love

to truly love
to truly love

its easy to truly
love to truly feel compassion

to be an extension of godits

its easy to tune myself
to vibration its easy
to love ot

to just choose love

to just

choose love

its easy to choose love


easy to choose love its easy to choose
love its

easy to choose love its easy to choose love
its eas y to feel good

to say thank you
to allow the god to

fog to lift its easy to allow
the fog to life its easy
to say thank you

to allow love to flow through me

its easy to allow love to

the tuning i can always tune
i can always tune myself to cneter
and release the rest i can always

tune myself to cneter i can

always release the rest i can

return to love
allow love

to return!

it feels good to feel
good to allow to say yes a

all i have to do is say yes
and allow god to flow and i love that
its that easy i love

that its working i love that tow

i love feeling the tuning
i love allowing myself

my sould to l

to life
to look at it like god would

authentic gratitude

i can always return to the feeling feel
the feeilng feel the feeling
the feeling is right here and nowand
and the feeling is love the
feeling is love the feeling is love and its

ehre a

here and now the feeling is n

the feeling is love and i’m allowed to
feel it i allow life
to flow into my life
i allow life
to flow into tmy

to my life ia llow
i allow lofe to flow to flow
into my life i la

i allow the feeling i a
mike the
milk the feeling i get out
of thew ay of

the way of
the way of
the feeling
i get tout of

ot of
out of the way of t

the feeling

such a good day!

such a good feeling so grateful for the
feeling so grateful to milk the feeling

to feel that someone is behind our work
because they saw a video of us its just the best
feeling it makes me feel good about myself

about my work about who i authentically am
reminding me

i don’t have to try to be anything
i don’t have to change i don’t have

to be anything i’m not

i am appreciated for who i am

grateful to tune and see the effects
to turn toward love and have love
turn toward me

so grateful to remember who i am
to have other people tell me i’m worth

it really makes a difference
so gratefult o remember who i am
to come back to self

so grateful to come back to sel f

to feel the feeling of god to
feel the feeling go

of god to feel the words
flowing through me
knowing through me

to feel the words knowing through me

so grateful to feel the feeling
to milk the feeling of love to feel the
feeling of love to

choose the feeling of love to know
the love to know the love of life

the lust for life to see good in the
world to see love int he world
to feel good int he worl

to feel good to love to love and feel good

so grateful to remember to just be myself
so grateful
to remember myself is good ane

enough and its all there is
to remember that no one is special

and everyone is god

i feel good in this day i feel the
flow in this day i feel good in this day

i feel the effects of this pr

of the practice today i feel the
effects of the practice i feel the
lust for life i feel
the lust for life i feel

the lust for lifei feel
i feel life flowing through me

grateful to feel the feeling
of me the god feeling andk now

i know that i chose it and then
it came i know that
life is always

filling int he blanks
i know that life fills in the blanks
perfectly i nkow that
when it comes

its always perfect i know that i love that
i know that and that is

my only “work”

is to allow life

into my life

with totality
to release

all resistance to what life is
and what is always coming my way

i know what is coming my way
is always in perfect unison

i know i am a powerful creator
and everything in life

i have created

that it was all me and it
was all perfect at the time
and i know that
the perfection is always flowing to and through me
ad i

and i accept that perfection
as my god given


my god given life force
and i know it is terrifying but its also


depending on how you look at it

so grateful to feel good
so grateful to feel good
so grateful to feel good

to milk the feeling to allow
the feeling to allow the feeling

to practice the feelig

feeling and feel it deeper so
grateful to do this work the only work

the knowing work the

conscious creation
i know i know

who i am i know what i am
i love that i get to choose i love
taht i get

get to choose i love
that i get

to choose the god self the
god feeling the god knowing

the totality so grateful to
line up the energy with totality

to choose to feel good
about that to choose to feel good

about that

so grateful
so grateful to just go with god to just
be myself so

grateful to be myself
to feel myself to love myself
in this

here and now so grateful i don’t have to care and i can just

thank you i can just say thank you
i can just ssay thank’ you

i can just say thank you i

can say thank you because i know it’s all working out