
there’s relief in knowing is
its me and i can blame all day but that wont
change the fact that its me

that ‘m aware
i’m aware i’m aware of the pattern i’m
of the pattern

i create every time and hey
maybe ill break it this time

at least im aware at least im
aware and im trying im trying to

be better??

accept me how i am??

trying to be secure
trying to feel secure

in my life and that’s all it is
trying to feel secure in my life and
that’s all it is

but its me its me

but its me and im aware

i know the solution and its so
easy and its what i siwh
wish i would have done al lthe

other times and i have time
to so

to do it now i have time
i can do it thism
time ic an save myself this time

i can be myself this time
i can

be myself this time

because i know its me
im blaming somone else but its me

its my attachment
its my attachment

its me its me its

knowing that someone likes me
and then

NEEDING them to like me

i’m aware

aware of the thirst i am aware of the
betty factor and i know th answer

is doing me

finding myself again
and i know that’s easy to do i know tisea y

its esy to do i know the real me is always

right here i kno the
real me is always right here

it’s me its’ me and i feel

i am aware i am awre that its no
one else and that this is what i do

literally every single time


i am secure in my life

am secure in who i am
i love that i am aawre i love that
i can
work thtrough it because i am aware

i kow that i need space and time
to remember myself to be myself

i know that and i do it
i know that and

and i make the time to work on me

its me and i can’t blame
anyone else

its the narrative i make up in my head

what is the part
that i know is true
that is true

no subjectivity