ram is all there is

just focus on ram is all there is

i love having a good day i loe having a good day
i loe alloing the good energy to flow
i forgive myself

i love having a good day i love
feeling the flow flow i love that tis eay to flilp the switch

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes to
everything that is
i didn’t do anything wrong yes to everything that is

yes to everything that is ye
to everything that is
yes to everything that is becaua
yes to everything that is
yes to everything that is

yes yes yes yesy eyse yes
resistance free and i
i know i am id i am
it i am god i am
the god sel

i am the silnec ie kndo hve to think about
its easyt o tu

return to the stilne ce to remember the silnce re
grateufl to for the contrast to remember the slicne

its me its my confidnece in life
its my coni
in life is m
its my understain of life
tis my letting go
its m

me letting go me letting god thank go dme
letting god
me feeling the feeling i want
me commanding the feeling i prefer

me commanding

me choosing it now feeling
ating peace and happiness

so graeudfl to rofucs to rmember what i want to focus what i wan
iam focus edon the flow on the fli
life iw prfe i am focuse don enjoy lfie on sayig yes to life iam
focsu on saying eys yes yes to lfie
to sayine goy
yes to life

saying yes to life im saying yes to tot life im saying eys to life

thank you thank you thank you

ye ye yes y yes yes yes

yes yes yesy esy y syes

i release all of it i relae it isay esy
to everything that is i say yes to eveyrthing that is i celebat
everthing that is
i celebrat the
love in my heart
the love

in silence i sc

the love in silnce
the soluntion in sol
i sc

celebate the love in

its neve them its its
and this is the only one aond only work i can do
i is
flip is let go
let og ocmpetl eand i love hta i

its me its itsm
tis the thought its just the thougths
thats it
go back to silence any tiem and thern
thre’s nothing

go back to silence any time and ther’s nthing
thats all there is and thats all ic an

if the chatter is there
so is the ego it fhte ch

if the chatter is here
si is the eog

just take the pathless path and im there

with awareness
everything wroks or
out perfeclty
relax into silnce and alow everything
to be perfect how it is

i have a bad attitdue i amd ma dm a

im mad for no reson
reason im m ad for no reaodn i ahve a a mbasd
attituce ihave h

ive have
had one since iw oek up becaues some
one is impositn gosmeething on me

another fucking hassle and im
right im
right in my indignation