
the work is working and i know it is il ove that i know the work is working
i love that its workign i love that its working
and it sl

it always cho

shows itself when
i focus on looking
i love all the times ive been

im noticing when im kind
and appreciating it and is ork
its workig the more i notice it


easier it is to access


relentless pursuit of god

always after the turht
remembering the truth in every moment

celebrating because i know i created it
i becamme a

became a match to it
became a match to it

relentless and i know the feeling
and the more i practice it the esaer

easier it gets to access and i love that
i know the secret to life
i have found the secret to life

and can relax in the knowledge t that
that the activity ofdi

divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life


always finding the god
self the god version in every thing
and i know that is literally the only work

that is literally the only work

the relentless pursit of god
is the only work
i know that the relentless
pursuit of god its

is the only work i love that i know
it i love that i know it that
i get to feel it

get to celebrate it i lo

relentless i love that i know i am it
i am it i love that i know it am

pursue god and only god

pursue god and only god and know that i am god i know
that i am god i know that i am

relentless and that’s why i’m
here because ‘m doing doing the real work

i rela


realized that my pinnacle of succes is doign the
work is feeling the magick of life is feeling my own power

feeling tuned into life

using my imagination
to see myself how i want to see myself
i love that i get to do that

i’m using my imagination
and i love that i know that’s all it is

just use your imagination
use your imagingation
i get to conceive myself as that i get to see myself as that
and know that i am
know that iam i love that i
get to see myself as that and know that i am

relentless pursuit of the most imaginative

version i can imagine

relentless imagination

relentless imagining

thinking and feeling and knowing
nowing that
once the desire is born its ture

knowing that i am the one
and only creator
knowing that i am the one and only

knowing that i am the one and only
creator and that is the
relentless god wro

work always coming back to the awarenss of the version i create

always coming back to conscoiusness

that’s all i can do always come back to conscious
to the place of knownig

i am the creator of me
i know that i am the creator of me

seeing the effects of the practice
of cultivating he feeling

and seing the immediate effects of it
the immediate effects of it

the knowing of it the god of it the connection of the
the connection of life

finding the god version in everything
which means asking
which do i prefer and knowing that is

turning away from physical reality as we all understand it
and knowing that its

is a mirror all of life is a mirror for how i see life
and how i see myself all oflife is a mirror for how i see life
and how i see myself

all of life is a mirror for how i see life
and how i see myself

i love that i know this and i get to
relentlessly pursue this truth i getto know this truth i know this

i know the

i relax in in i know the effects i see the

effects i feel the effects of a life lived
magickaly i see and feel the effects

i see and feel the effects and it doesn’t
take much to see and feel the effects and the mor
i relentlessly focus on god the easier my life unfolds and i know
this is true i know this is treu
the feeling of knowing this is all there is

is the only creator is the only creator


waves of relief because i know the
truth of life and i live by it
i know the truth ofl ife
and i live by it i feel the
truth of it

i celebrate the truth of it i know it work s

is the beset p

best part
it works it is my power i know my power and i know
im so good at it l

i love using my poewr remembering my power
pracriing my ppo
power i love that i get to know

my faith
is my fortune i know my faith is
my fortune i know my faith
is my fortune iknow
i know my faith is my fortune

my conception of myself my
imagination of myself and i love that i can
change that anyt ime

i can be aware of what i ve been
imaging myself to be
and change it i love tha ti get to
and i love that its that is

easy to feel it and see it i love that
i get to feel it and then see it


which means always which means my only
focus and i know for a fact
tha is the

secret to life
nothing else i love that i know this
and i get to use it
get to pracctice it
get to live

the way life is us

supposed to be lived

vibrating with the truth of life

vibrating with the truth of life
vibrating with the truth of life