so fucking grateful for this moment

so grateful to get to get groceries whenever i want
for perfect timing
for the clouds being our friends!!

for the miracles in every moment
to see a familiar face

for fruit and greens!
and avos!
and toast and smoothies and iced coffees!

and it didn’t rain
god is lavish
so grateful for the evidence of god in every moment
the breeze kissing my skin
letting me know i’m loved.

i can alawys find the feeling
the sense of adventure the
sense of newness

the sense of celebrating life the
of happiness

enoughness in the now
total fulfillment in the now
i love that i know i love that
i know the

secret to life i love that
i get to celebrate life
i love that i get to fly

fly high

i love that i
get to fly high that i get to celebrate all the
blessings in every moment

i love that the clouds are our friends and that
it didn’t rain

i love that we had perfect timing
i love that life loves us i love that
i get to choose love in every moment
i love that i know life
is always flowing infinitely to and through me
i love that it alreayd is the way i want it
to be

there’s always so much to celebrate

to put my attention on that i want i know
i am the creator and i’m creating my version every day
i get to choose

to allow it to be a match to it to know that
abundance is in every moment.

grateful to do this work to know that the
solutions are always right here

they are always right here clamoring
so grateful to be here to now to feel the
breeze flowing through me so
grateful to do this work to feel good now
to feel good now
in the flow i the feeling to feel the magick of life


through me

to feel the magick
of life

flowing through me to know the
truth of life so grateful to know the truth

of life right now

so grateful to have fun to
feel good to feel the flow
of life so

grateful to feel the flow of life the
magick of life to know that life is alway

always flowing to and through me

so gratefl to

to feel good to feel good now to feel good now
so grateful to feel good now

to feel good now

i’m here tuning the focus remembering to ccreate
create the version i prefer to know i’m creating the
version i prefer

i love doing this truth an

this work and knowing the truth i love
seeing the truth in everyting

everything the magick in everything
knowing it’s all around
feeling it more and morea lways

always feeling my way back to the magick
to haveing a great day!

to celebrating life!

to leaning into life to loving life
to having a really good day to feeling the divine buzz

i get to feel the divine buzz i get to feel the divine buzz

i get to know i get to choose knowing i get to choose knowin

i love where i am in my life
so grateful to have a project
to feel a sense of accomplishment
to know tha tlif

that life is always working out for me
to know that life loves me to know that i can
always elevate my vibration
by just allowing resistance
to slip away

just by releasing resistance
i release and allow i release and allow
and i practice this work every day
becausee there
is no limit to the amount of magick
i can allow to pass through me in this
i love that i know this
i love that i know

that i can always allow life

i allow life i allow love i allow life

i allow love

i am god i am god i love hat
that i know this that i ge to

celebrate it that i get to
relax in the knowledge
that i get to allow my own


every month i know that it’s
heere that it’s already here i love
tha ti’

htat i’m allowingmore a

more and more in every moment
i love that


i feel good in my life and i know that solutions
are flowing i know that life is good

i know that life is good

i know that life
is good i know that life
is good i know that life

is good i can releax

relax and allow i can
relax and allow i love that i can
relax and allow i can

relax and

i can let it come to me i get to
get in the vortex and then i know thi i know
i know my work i know the only work i know this

because i’ve been here so many times
i know ti’s the focus i know ti’s the focus

the focus in the here and know in the
knwoing tha
everything i wnat i

already unfolded for me i love
that i already have everything i need
i love that i know that

when i ask it is given when
life causes me to ask it comes
wen i

when i ask then it is i know this is my work
i come here to tune myself to that reality i know this
is the only work

love is the only work love is the only work
i love this work the only work

total acceptance total allowing
that is all there is that
is all there is that is the only

act that is the only thing
to strive for and when i’m here i

feel it i allow it to build within me
i aloow

allow myself to sing the praises of life
i love life i love life

life always provides i love life
i love all that is and i send the
signal of love to all that is

that’s all there is and that is
the only act that is the only practice.