so grateful for this day

so grateful to do this work today
in the here and now so grateful to love the moment

today i feel focused in the flow
feel the flow flowing through me i love
doing the work i love doing this work
the only work and i love that this is the
only work

what am i here to do?

to relax
to have a great day
to remember the truth about who i am

i’m here to remember what i know
to tune my vibration to tune

i’m here to tune my reality
and i know it’s as easy as this
it’s as easy
as remembering everything

simply unfolding and that
my only power
is letting go of power i come
here to remember this

i come here to focus
to focus on one spot
and that one spot is the
wholeness of everything i come
here to remember who i am

to remember there’s no such thing as lack
and i never have to worry or wonder
i hever ha

never have to worry or wonder
i love that i know this and i love that i can
always return to this knowledge

i love that i get to send the signal of love

the signal of yes
that i get to wake up feeling good that i get to
do me that i get to enjoy my life

stress free

i’m here to tune myself to the
vibration of god and celebrate that feeling

i’m here to jump fully into the day
knowing that life is always on my side

i’m here to start the day off right
by celebrating what i know and tuning my energy
to the wavelength i want my life to operate on

nad i know

and i know life is as easy as that
i love that i know life is easy i love that
we are on the up and up i love
that our work is good and hleps m

helps people i love that i am always doing my bestr
i love
i love that i am always doing my best

so grateful to celebrate knowing
that life loves me that life is flowing perfectly
through me and i can get to choose
i get to choose
how i feel i get to chosoe the

the energy of me
it feels good to relax
relax into the here and now
and fill the space of the here
and now

it feels good to expand in this moment
feel this moment
become this moment
savor this moment
love this moment

realize that i am
this moment i am nothing more
than this moment

i love tuning myself to me
to love to release i love tuning myself
toward more relief

i can always choose the better feeling
through i

thought i can always choose the
better feeling vibration
i canalways


can always dive right in
to my zone of genius

it feels good to operate in the
zone of genius
to direct love at everything
knowing that love

is my sypp

supply i love that i know love is my uspply
supply i love that i know our business is on the up
and up
i love that i nkow that

life can only reflect the
version i am a match to
the version i believe in
the version i choose

to look for it feels good to look for the version i want to
see it feels good to focuson o

on one point
and that point is god
it feels good to focuso n on e
on one point
to let the god

be the medicine

it feels good to love me
to feel uplifted by thel ove love of god


knowing that feeling is everything
way better than eny

any drug
i love

i love that i get to feel good about life
that i get to feel certain aboutl ife
i love that i get to choose the
feeling of certainty in this here and now

i love jumping into my zone
of genius
i love that i never have to wonder
never have to resist

never have to stress or worry
it feels good to release stress and worry
it feels good to focus on how i feel
and know

that is all that ever matters that
i cana lways

always come back to center
it feels good to come
back to center
to feel good now
it feels good to feel goodnow

celebrate life in this moemnt

to let go of the rest to feel the
to focus on god and feel the release

to truly let eveyrthin g
else go to feel the feeling to
feel how iw ant to
want to feel

i love doing this work and knowing
this is the only work i love

i love the better it gets i love that
there is no limit to the supply within
i love feeling good i love
letting it all go

and choosing ease and flow
in my life choosing knowing

choosing the feeling i always
talk about

but what is this feeling??


knowing that
nothing is my control

certainty that it will all go my way

and release of trying to control
and giving
it all to the universe

first you feel it then you see it
but really

all that matters is the feeling of it

today i intend to have a good day
today i intend to direct love today i
intend to just focus on feeling good and know
that is all there is


knowing that when i feel good
and free from resistance

that is when life flows

today i feel good to day i feel the
release i feel yself

myself releasing resistance
releasing the need to control
and just choosing knowing

taking the big leap into everything
that is possible in life and joyfully

allowing life to back me up
i love that i know this my work
i love that inkow this is my work
and i’m happy

to do this work
it feels good to feel good
and that is my work
i know nothing else is my work

it feels good to focus on this
work to tune myself
that is all i can ever do

if i want to have some sort of


on my life all i can ever do is
tune the vibration o me

i am

i am a wiggle
and my physical life
shows me that wiggle

prints out that wiggle
in 3d form

and i can always change the
shape of the wiggle

i can change the way i look at things

i knowthis i know this
i know i am the one and only creator

i know that i am the one and only

and i love myself