so grateful for this day

for the focus for the
awareness of the feeling the awareness of
the version i prefer
the awareness of it and the willingness to align with it

it feels good to feel good to
feel good to feel the flow flowing through
it feels good to bring the focus back to center
back to god knowing i did what i could and i have
to release the rest

i don’t have to fixate on it i don’t have to obsess over it

i don’t have to obsess over it
i dn’t have to fixate on it
i dn’t have
i don’t have to i don’t have to care i

don’t have to let it get ti me
i can just focus on the version iprefer
and allow it

to pass
allow life to fill in the blanks

i feel good now i feel the flow
now i feel ife
life now

i’m showing up for life i’m showing up
for love

i’m showing up for life
i’m showing up for tli

love and i’m saying thank you for the
to the contrast for giving me the chance
the opportunity to create
i’m saying thank you for the
chance to create
i’m saying thank you

i’m liningup wit
with the version i prefer
and creating that version
saying yes to that version
using it as an excuse

to use mky mag

my jagi


i’m saying yes to the flow
to the magick of life
rather than looking at what is

i’m looking at what could be
i’m looking at and celebrating the
version i prefer

i’m looking for the version ip refer
i prefer

i can let all those thigns go
watch them like someone
else’s life

watch them like
someone else’s life

i’m showing up
for life i’m shoingup

showing up for life i’m
showing up

for life

i show up for life i show up
for life i show up for life

i show up for love i show up
for my vortex
i find a way to feel good
to enjoy life
to allow the
best version of myself
to come through

i show up for life i show up
for life

i show up for love

i ask not what life
has done for me
but what i have i done

for life

what i have done for god
how have i given to god?

how have i trusted god?
how have i given my life over to god??

today i show up for god
today i allow the god self to show
up to feel how god would feel about

and nkow

that god knows that
everything is perfect
and ngod no

god never wonders