so grateful for this day

for this amazingly awesome day
so grateful to feel good to feel the flow the flow flowing
life flowing through me

to feel good to practice to
be aware to be aware ot

to be aware that this thing feels like
shame and that same i

shame is a patterna nd be ready to look at it
to let myself free from the pattern so grateful to be so awrae of the
pattern of the life experience that teaches

here to do the practice to remember ther eis no m e

no me separate from the experience
so grateful to be aw

to be here to knowt o be here
to know the truth to practice feeling teh
truth to aling with
the truth and feel good so

gratefult o love so grateful to love

so gratefult o love to feel the feeling to feel the
feeling so grateful to

feel the feeling to feel the feeling
to feel the feeling
of yes the feeling of eys

the feeling of focus im here focused
i’m here focused i’m

here focused i’m here focused

the soc alled outside world

and the socalled inside world

come together

they are a happening

everything is a happening

and all you’re doing

is watching it

gratefult o be here to feel the feeling
to get to practice the feeling of

loving myself of loving every aspect of myself
i get to love every aspect of myself

i get to love
every aspect of myself

thank you for this thank you
for this here and now thank you for this

thank you for this thank you for this this moment
this her eand now this feeling of liking myself

of loving msyelf

yes thank you yes thank you i’m
on the lookout for miracles
i’m on the lookout for what i want to see

i’m on the lookout for what i a
want to see i’m on the looking

lookout for how i want to feel and icom
i come her eto feel to

it to remember it

thank you thank you than oy

thank you so grateful for this
here and now

thiss feeling of now this feeling of now
this feeling of now this
feeling of knowing this feeling of knowing

this feeling of singular focus
the courage to have singular focus

courage to create with feeling
to create with love tolove
no matter what
becuase its



and life reflecgs the feeling
so grateful to be here remembering praicitng

remembering that its always love and having the
courage to feel it

so grateful to feel good to remember how good
ti feels

it feels
to create the life i want to have the courage

on all levels to have the courage on all levels

to love and feel loved
to love and feel loved

to love and feel loved

to love and feel loved

thank you thank you thank you
for the feeling of exciteent of lust
for life of lust for life

of not being sticky of feeling

the utmost pride in who i am
and i knowing that i’m always doing my
best to love and be kind
and live the best i can

an di stand by that i an

and i am totally confidnet in that
and i know that’s the best i can

thank you thank you
thank you thank you
for this feeling for this here and now for this celebratiion called life for this
celebration called life

that i got o renew my book

i know that miralces are all around
i nowk that miracles are all around

and i’m on the lookout for them i am
on the look out for them

i know

i am aware of the pattern and its not the
people its the pattern its a pattern of thought
that i know i can break!!!

i know that i can form
a new pathway i know that i can form a n

form a new pathway

i know that i can form new patway

i am forming new pathways
i am aware of the pattern of

looking outside of me for validation
but i know that the nly
validation is if i feel goo
good now or not the only
validation is if i feel good now
and if’

if i’m doing that that is all there is
that’s alll i can ever do

that’s all i can ever doa dn i can trust t
ath all

as long as i feel good
i’m doing the right thing
i know the power of this work i know

the poweer of this work

of noticing how i feel
and if i feel bad

turning it around

that’s it

that’s the work that’s the work
that’s the work

i’m here doing the work the only
work and it feels good to remember

it’s only
ever me that is me they are me

everything is me

everything is a happening

everything is a happening

i love that i know i love that i know
that i am war

aware i love flexing the muscles i love

flexing the muscle

thankyou thank you

thank you for the knowledge for the knowledge
for the ablity to do the work

for the motive to do the work
to know the work is my only work

the courage to do the work is my only

the courage to love everyting
the couraget to love everything

that courage

the courage to love it all
the courate

to love it all that is the only work

the feeling i cultivate inside of me

that is my work that is ton

the only work and i know this
i know ti know this

i know this i know this
the feeling i cultivate inside of me

is the only work

thank you thank you thank you
thank you

thank you for this moment this moment this day that i
get to appreciate thank you for this day