so grateful for this day

for the sun!
for my cute cat
for my wife who loves me
for this feeling for
remembering my power
to get to enjoy life
to love my city

for the sun!
that we can afford what we want!
for my birks!
for any grocery we want!
and that was our pinnacle like a year ago

so grateful i never havet o stress
never have to wonder

so grateful to get to do this work the only
work to wake up feeling good

so grateful i know we’ll never be poor again
so grateful i know it doesnt matter
so grateful i already am

where iw ant to be

i get to feel the feeling here and now
ig et to feel the energy of life i get to feel the
energy of life
i get to be it now i get to be it now i get to
celebrate it now and i’m so grateful i

rememberd the power of the feeling that
all i ever yearn for is that feeling
and so grateful i get to choose it now
so grateful i am it now

i am brave enough to allow it
i am brave enough to allow the certainty
i am brave enough to allow the certainty

so grateful i get to feel it
so grateful i alraedy

so grateful i know its a feeling its all a feeling
and i already have it so grateful it always comes
its a feeling and i lareayd
have so

so grateful its a feeling and i already have it i alraeyd
have the feeling i already have the feeling

so grateful to feel good to feel the energy of me

so grateful to get to have a good day
to get to feel love to get to feel the eenrgy of god to get to feel the
way god feels gto

get to
celebrate life uninhibityly
because i am the one creating it i b
get to choose how if eel what i sewe what
i look for wan

and i’m so grateufl i remember the opp
power of me

i know that life happens i know that the tao
does nothing and i’m so grateful i
have found the secret to life

i know the secret to life
and today i get to pracctice
i know the secret to life
and today i get to pracitce it

i kow the secret to life
and todasy i get to practice it
i nkow the
secet to life and today i get to pracitc e

i love getting to celebrate day
i love that i kow the day is celebrating me

i love ha
that i get to feel good that there’s nothing to dread
that i get to feel good

taht ig et to allow the day to celebrate me i love that
i have
am focused on the feeling and that’s all there is i lov that
i get to choose it get to feel it get to be it i love that i know

i kow the secret to lif i know the
i know the power of me the power of ethe

the feeling and i love that i know its happens instantly
the particles are always aligintin g
to me to the expression of me to the consciousness of me
i love that i know thsi i l

i love where i am i love my life i love that
i get to choose to love i love that
i know the day is celebrating me

i love that i get to celebrate the fact that
the day is celebrating me i love that i can just
trust and allow life to ahppen i ilove that
the best is always happening for m
i love that
i get to

love it get to choose to love it i love that
i get to i love that i get to
choose to celebrate me celebrate my power
stand in my power

rejoice in my power today i rejoice in my power and
i love it i loe that life is workign out for me!

i love taht life is coming together for me !!

i lovet hat we are wildly successful!

love that passive income pays my baills!!

and it always will!!

i love that i get to live whereever i want
i love that ig et to travle the world i love that
i get ot love life i love that
i get to celebrate lif celebrating me!!

i love wher ie am right now
i love
waking up

i lovet hat i know life loves me
i love that i know the feeling i love
returning to the fleeling

the feeling of knwoing that
when i want something it comes
i lovet hat i know the feeling i ove the
feeling of remembering the practice

remembering the power of me and i love that i nkow it i love
that i know the power of me i know

through life expereicne

i know that when i ask it is givien
when it is desired it comes and it just happens
i just get out of thew ay and it
it happens i just tr

trsut life and it happens ia love that
its that ieasy

i love that i know the poer of me i love that i know the
power o fme i love that i get to feel the feeling onow

i am empowered by life
i am excited about life
and life is excited about me i love that
there is no limit to how good i can feel

i get to feel excited about life i get to
feel excited about life and that is the secret

i have fon t

found the secret to life and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance is eternally operating in my life

i love that i get to feel good!!

i get to feel good and that’s all that mtters

it already is it already is the way i awnt it to be!