so grateful to feel good

to feel good to feel the feeling to

i get to know the truth get to feel the truth
get to chosoe the version i prefe r

get to feel the version ip refer get to choose
the focus

get to choose awareness

get to make the choice to not spend asingle

so grateful to remember the truht
the on

i knwo the one and only truth i know the power of me i w
i kwno t


awareness i knwo ever
everthing is awareness

everthing is awarenss is awreenss
i know i knwo who i am i know the poeer ofme i love that
i get to feel good that
i get to

choose the poer of me get to choose totoal

get to stop i lovvve that i learned to stop i love
that i know how to stop i love
that i get to appreciate i lovehtat
i get to focus
i love that

i get to focu i love that iget to
i love

that i nkow that truth

i kow the truth i know the power of the

focuus i kw the feeling i nko
its up to me to make
to make thc hcoie
t not spend a

single moment cnot
not creating what i dont want
i lovee that i get to feel

good i love that ig et to feel the god in my life
i love that
i get to choose to be gratefulf or what i hav ei love

that to
the feelnig is always right her ea
with e i m ie love that i get to choose love
i love that i gt to
choosel ove isteadi love htat
i got to feel love today i love
taht i get to

feel love today i love that
that i god to feel love today

i get ot fel good i get to
to feel good i lvoe that i get to
feel good

ge to feel good get to
feel good
get to feel good get to feel

so gretfult o get

spoiled so grateful we get to keep it
so grateufl i get to

keep it so gratful for the gifts so
grateful for the love for th wareness

that i get to choose awarens that all
i can ever do is choose awareness


that ia the ceartor

that the feeling is alwaysr ight ere

i love that i get to feel good that i
get to fo us

thank you god that i get to keep my life
you god

that iget to see how good my life
is thank youf or

god to fot for feeling good for a sam
day of feeling good doing the work
and feeling good

doing the work and feeling good
letting gof of the rest

so gateful i get to feel free that i knw tis not my pobelm
that i dnot havet o car ei ilove that
i have os much awarenss now i love that
i se

i see so clear

\i lov that i
get to c
feel this feelign that i get to make the
vresion i prefer and i get t
to feel totally confident in that

that in any momen ti can just choose how i want
tof eel and ig et to fee that

way i get to choose how a nt to feela nd i get to eel that way i lvoe that
i knwo thait i love that ig et to do the work
and see the effets i love taht ig et it love that
i get ti love that
i get to say

thank you fog


for the nudge

so grateufl i get to keep it get to

to ek

keep my life so graatefl for everything i have that i get to keep
it that i get to enjoy my life
that i nkow that its up to me
to enjoy my life i t

that i knw the trth to life

jsut deci



i lvoe that i knwo i love that ig et to feel exited about it
i lvoe that id on
i dnot hc
are i

i lvoe when i dont care i love feeling easy e

thank you gof for this day for this day
of magic thank you for the flow the flow
flowing through me

thank you for this energy of life
thank you for th

the one and only truth and im sgo

grateulf i geto t choose it

i get to choose lif ei get to hoose
not careing i lov ethat i get ot

choose not ot care i love that

the ernegy that comes ith

with not craing

i love the energy of life i love doing this work
i love that

god drives me i love that i dont hve to cre
what happens i love that

i don thave to care what happens i love that
it snot pmy problaby i k

i kno i love that its not my problem

i love hat i get to have fun
i lvoe the t
i ee tot

to enjoy my life i love that
i get ot

feel good now i lveo that i get to

to fele good nwo feel goodn wo
thank you god for eth efeelingof lfie

for the energy of life for the enryg life i lvoe that
i get to feel good i lveo

i love how far ive come
i love

that i didnt react i love that i sa my
myself and i didnt have to car i love

i love that i dont havve to
care i love that its not my pobelm
i love

that i geto tbe free!!

i tried i fi
did er
veyrthing i could and i no longer have to care!