so grateful to feel the feeling

to watch the snow fall
to enjoy dogs playing int he snow
the snow to catch the last drip
of daylight
to feel good to focus on the feeling to choose the
feeling to choose to feel the feeling
to choose to focus wher ei want to se

to choose to

to choose to milk the feeling to choose where iw ant
to go on the journey to milk the journey to milk the connection
to the god self the love self to feel the
love self to dot he work to feel the love self theo nly
the only self to let the
rest drift way an

drift away and just
relax into this here and now
sit in this here and now nejoy

enjoy ths here and now expand into this here and now
and do the vibrational work
the emotional work the

the emotional exercises and its just as
important as the phsica

physical ones

to do this work every day to remember who i mm
to remember where the focus lies
to remember the opower
the power of the foucs to remember the power of me
to remember that life

always always reflects me and never


so gratefu to do this work and
feel the focus feel the focus of me
feel the foucs flowing through me
to feel the focus flowing through me
to god flowing through me
all of god all of self and
to just relax intot he feel

relax into the feeling relax int othe
feeling of who i am e
expand into this moment love this moment
love everything that is
in this oment
this moment love everything that is
in this moment
say yes to everything that is in this

choose the version ip refer

i prefer in this moment

now this one now this one
expand to fill this omment

really choose really choose how i want to feel and
feel it feel it now fee lt

feel the relief

of releasing everything and
just experiencing the now
saying yese to

to everything that is in this moment
and releasing it

focus on the feeling build up the feeling
feel for the feeling andk no

knowing that the feeling is always there
the feeling i always seek
the feeling i seek

is relief is

grateful to turn toward this energy to

turn toward the god self to feel the relief of the god self
to release theyself to the

non doing to embrace the non doing to know that
the qulaity
quality of the not doing is all there

grateful to release
to expand to fill thismoment
this moment
so grateful to expand to fill this moment
and only this moment

right now i expand to fill thism oment
i’m here

to feel the feeling i want to feel to align with
the feeling i want to feel

to align with the magic of li

of life

i align with the magi

magick of life i align i align with love i buld up

the love muscle i exercise the love muscle
and the more i do the better i feel i love that i get to
feel good that the best work i can do is nothing

is the release

releasing the old version and feeling the
new one and so grateful to make the time
to feel

the new version to feel the
version of possibility

infinite possibility

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility is to be awre o

aware of this truth


i am totally confident in letting go
and letting god appear as the abundant
all sufficiency in y lif

in my life and affairs

totally confident in letting go and letting god

grateful to remember its not up to me
its not up to me

and all i can do is observe and feel

gratefu lto fo
to do this work to milk this feeling to

do this ork and know its’ all me
to know that all of life is a feeling
and i have everything i need right

here and now so grateful to celebrate that n


that nothing has to change
that i don’ thave to

achieve that i can just relax and enjoy
this moment

and all that has led up to this perfect moment
so grateful to know
to have access to the feeling of knowing
to zoom out and feel the god self

so grateful to know that god
and life are alwayas working in my favor

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature of abundance

this is its responsibility

not mine my only responsibility is to be aware of this truth


i am totally confidnet in letting go
and letting god appear

as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs

so gratefl fort his oment
for this moment so rea

grateful for this moment
for this knowledge
for this god self

the divine consciousness that i am is
forever expressing its true nature of abundance
this is its responsibility not mine
my only responsibility is to be aware of this truth
thereofre i am

totall confidnet in letting go and letting god appear
as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs

so gratefu to
to know its not up to me
that i can feel totally confident in life

taking care of that life will alawwys take care of me i love that i know this i love that
i know this i love that i know
this i love that

totally confidnet

totally confidnet and that feeling of knowing
of total confidence in god

is god that feeling of knowing that life
is always on my side and i don thv

have to do a thing besides know that

is god

i am god.

i know that i am god.