so grateful to find myself

to remember who i am so grateful for the time
and spacce to remembe who ia m
to remember that mmy

happiness doesn’t rely on anything or anyone
and that i always have it no matter what

i love rememberig the feeling and turning toward it n
knowng that life is alays on e

my sie that itd

the molecules can’t not
that the molecules can’t not

that the molecules

the feeling
i get to choose freedom

so gratefl to choose freedom
to choose the feeling to cchooes
the vortex
to cchoosee my

proximity to god

my consciousness of the presence f god

of god within me
is my supply

my consciousness of the prsence of god within me
is my supply

i feel the feeling of es

i feel the feeling of thank you i feel the choice
i feel that its up to me

i feelt he feeling of eys i feel the
feeling of thank you

i feel the power of god within me
and i feel myself returning to god
feeling god i feel the feeling of

god and im so grateful for the tiem and space
to feel it i love that its

i know its always there
ther e

the real feeling the
real thing

i love that i get to feel the real thing
not the thing i thought was it

but actually the real ting i love
the real thing i love that i
get to choose to feel the

the real thing and know that
everything else is false i love that
i know this i love that i

dont ccre i love that i know its me
i love

thak you i know i can always find my
way back to ccenter to my real soru

to god

i can always find my way backk to god
i can always see the god in everything
i know that god isn

is in everything i am co

cultivating confidencce
through kindness

i know that life reflecs me i know that
life reflects me i know that i can choose l

love i get to choose teh real thing i
get to choose teh f

real thing i found the real thing i know the
real thing
i know thate verything

else is r

false the feeling of god
is the only real thing
and i get to choosee it not matter what