so grateful to get to do the work

to remember who i am who i really am
to remember my bliss and to remember that my validation doesn’t come
from externally

so gratefl for the time and space to practice
the feeling to get into the vortex and then

i know
that the more i feel for the feeling
the better i get at accessing it the more i now it
more i feel it i know there’s not path or technique and that
the feeling is alreayd rig

always right here with me i love remembering that its not
outside of me that its never outside of me

and that i dont even need that thing i think i need

i dont even need the thing i htink i need!!!!!

i’m havng fun i’m enjoying life i gt to
look for what i want to see i get to say yes to

everything that is i get to say yes to
everything that is and i

get to feel the feeling of non attachment i get to do the wr

real work i et to do the real work of letting it go i get to
do the real work of letting it go

i never wanted it to be like this
i never wanted it to be like this

and i know it doesn’t have to i know tha ti can

choose me i can choose the power of me
i choose teh poweer of me

because i know

i’m hot in clevelenad
i chooe teh power of me because i know

i’m hot in cleveland
i know the power of me i know the power of me i know
who i am what i am

i know who i am what i am

i know that i m god i nkow the power of me i nkow the pwoer
of me i nkow i get to decide i know i get to dic

i know that i don’t need anything outside of me i love
taht ig et to choose teh feeling i love the time and space to do this work the only work
the olove

loving my life wor i et to choose the amawreness work
the loving my life work the knowing work the feling wor

the feeling owrk i get to choose teh feeling work i know that
i dont na

need anything else i know i am alwarye

already complete i know i am already complete and life
an only reflect me

i neer wanted this is aid
let’ not go there

let’s not go there let’s not get obsessed

let’s not get addicted i love that
i can put it down i love that i get

can let it go i can quit that drug

i knowt is only e and i’m gratefl to take the pathless path

i’m grateful to be here aware
and let that go just saying thank you

il ove that i loe that i can let that go i love that i’ve let it
go i love that

i don’tneed a

i don’t need anything i don’t have
need anything i don’t need that i don

i don’t need anything outside ofm e i
don’t needa

anything outside of me i know its only
ever me i nkow its only ever me i

i get to choose love toady i get to cchoose love today

i love that i don t
need anything