so grateful to say yes

so gratful ful for all the blessings in my life
so grateful to keep saying yes and keeping seend

seeing the flow flowing to keep saying yes today i am
saying yes today i am saying yes today i am sa

saying yes today i am saying yes

grateful for all the blessings of the day
that i felt it and the ni saw

and then i saw it and i know all i have
to do all i can ever to i

do is feel it then see it

so grateful to have a wife a partner
who helps guide me
so grateful

for all the blessings of the day!
that we get to go somewhere!
and see people!!

so grateful for family
so grateufl to have more than enough!!

so grateful we always have more than enough!
so grateufl the flow is flowing so
grateufl the flow is flowing so grateful to say yes

to remember to say yes!!

to say yes to know the feeling to recognize the vibration
and know that i can feel it to

that i can say yes that i can decidd to feel
good no matter what i love that i know this i
ov e

i love that i get to feel the feeling get to feel the feeling

of god
that ig et

get to keep saying yes to the flow flowing to and through me
i love that i can always eep sa

keep saying yes to the flwo of well being

grateful to feel this feeling teh
god feeling so

grateful to keep saying yes
so grateful to keep saying yes

so grateful for more than enough!!

that we asked and it was givine
so grateful li know the secret ot life
to feel good

sso grateful i get to feel good i get to
feel good goo

i get to feel god

so grateufl i get to feel god
so grateful

i get to feel god i get to feel god i get
to feel god so grateful
i get to feel god i am god

so grateful i get to keep feeling thef eeling
keep saying yes i feel the feeling the connection
to yes

so grateful to feel the connection to yes
to focus and od this work to feel good and do this


so grateful to say yes to keep saying yes
to keep doing this work the real work the only wok

so grateful to do the only work to do the only work

so grateful to do the only work

to feel good to

to feel good to feedl the
the god self so gratefl to
feel the god self to fee the
god self

so grateful to keep saying yes to the flow
to keep feeling the feeling of laign


so grateful to fee the

the feeling of alignment
to know the feeling of alignmetn
to know that all ther is is


so grateful the tide can always turn

so grateful to turn the boat
to feel the feeling i want to feel and
i can feel it building

i can feel myself feeling it more and more
i can feel myself getting closer and closer
to that alignment
i mena

feeling that alignmetn deeper and deeper
i love that there is no

limit to how deeply i can resonate with god
i love that i can always find god and feel it fully
i love that i know this that i can tune myself

i know that it’s always me its always the

energy of me i love that i know this
i love that
i know this i love tha t
i know this i lov ethat
i know

i am god i love that i get to chooe i love

i love that it’s all good i love
that its all

i love that i get to feel good i love that
i know life is on my side i love that
i know the magick life

i love that i get to choose i love

i get to choose i get to choose the
flow i get to choose the magick

i get to choose

and good humor

i love that i know i love that i get to choose
i love that its back to fully


i love thatl ife

life is gushing through me i love
that it lovese to gush
through me
i love that life loves me i love

that i chose and then it cam

its that easy

i love doing this work the focus work
i love that it works i lov etha ti
get to choose
i love

making the choice i love that
i know the energy work is

all ther eis i love tha ti know

i know!

just say yes just
keep saying yes

just keep saying yes i love
that ig et to chosoe

to say yes to feel good about it
to feel the vibrational bookmark
i love that i get to feel ti
i love that
i kowt

the energy is always there

already there.

jstt just keep sayin gyes

keep saying yes keep saying yes to the flow

yes to god yes to waht is
what is
yes to waht is

just keep saying yes

just keep saying yes
feeling teh feleing
and making the choice
that’s all ican

can do that’s all ic an

keep saying yes to the flow
to the flow

feeling to the feeling

keep saying yes to the feeling

keep saying yes to the feeling to the feeling to flow to the
feeling of god keep saying yes to the feeling
of god

to the
feeling of god to the god life jut keep

sayin gyes to the
the god life
keep sayin gyes to the

the god life

just feel the feeling of yes

just feel the feeling of knowing that

that’s all i cand o