so grateful to start this day

to get to celebrate this day
to get to celebrate life to celebrate that we made it through
so grateful i get to

celebrate this day !!

i love that i get to i love that i get to

so grateful to get to start this day
so gratful to get to feel good get to celebrate life
get to celebrate life

i get to feel good i get to feel good i get to

grateful to get to enjoy this day
to get to love myself and my life

so gratful to get to feel good to get to feel the
flow of life

grateful to get to do this work
to feel the energy of life flowing throgh me

grateful for al lthe fig

gifts in my life so grateful for
this knowledge so gratefl i get

to live as god as the god i know i am
so grateful i get to choose how iw ante

want to feel i get to choose how
i want to feel i get to ask myself is this what i want
and if it isn’t

i can simply

imagine a different story

today is a good day and i know that
i love that i get to have fun that i get to have fun
with the wife with my family

that i get to love and have fun i love that
i get to love and have fun i love that
i know life loves me i love that i get to
choose life i love that i get to choose life i love that
i know life only reflects me i lov that
i get to choose it i ilove that i get to choose it
i love that

i get to i love that i get to i love that i get to
feel this feeling that i know this feeling
i know how to reach it and i know how i to milk e

to milk it i love that i get to choose how if eel
i love that i get to choose how my wli

life unfolds!!

i love that i’m a money magnet!!

i love that we have more thane neouthg

i get to choose hwo

how i feel and that is the only work i love that i know this
i love that i know ths that i
get to say tan

thank you for everything life caused me to ask for
i love that i get to chooe i love that i get to choose how i feel

my life unfolds i love that i get to do this work
the only work

so grateful for all the blessings in mky life!!!

i feel so good int his day
i feel so blessed in this day this day i get to

to celebrate life celebrate being free
celebrate living celebrate loving

celebrate life loving me

i love that i love starting each day
i love that i love getting out of bed i love that
i love my life
i love my checks!!

i love that its flowing to and through me!
always !!

i love the good life i love the energy of me
the energy of the good life i love that
i get to choose i t

i love that i get to choose it i love that i know the
feeling and life always reflects it i lov ethat life
is constantly flowing to and through me !

grateful for the knowledge
for the radical gratitude

today i’m radically grateful
today i’m looking for something
to be grateful for in everything

today i’m focused on the enegy of me
the energy of me
and aligning with what life is helping me ask for

knowing that the feeling makes it all i know that the
feeling makes my life and that is the only work

i know this and ive seen it in my life
over and over and over again


today i’m radically grateful
today i’m tuned in tapped in turned on

today its int he

in the air
today i’m on the lookout for magick
for miracles

today i ‘m feeling the
energy of me the magick of me

today i feel the certainty of god

knwoing that i am it
i am the one and only creator of my reality

i love that i get to feel this i love that
i get to feel this that i g

get to choose hwo if eel i get to choose how if eel

i feel
is that what you want??

is that what you want??

today i’m radically gratefl for all of it
becuae it s

because it’s either what i want
or its helping me ask

or its ehlping helping me ask
today i am aligned today i am

radically grateful today i feel the
feeling of me of the god self

broken free from resistancce

i renounce my humanhood
today life is living me
today im getting out of the way

i know the feeling of life i know the celebration
and i feel it as a part me
i feel the feeling of knwoing that

knowing that today life is celebrating me
i love that i know this love that
i know that life is always on my sid ei love

i liove the feeling of knwoing that life
is always on my side i love that
i get to choose to feel it

i love that i get to choose radical gratitude
i get to feel the feeling of it
and know it already exists

i know ti salreay d


today i’m radically grateful
today i’m tuning to the best version of myself

today i’m tuned to love
i am love i am made up of love
and life is rushing to love me back

i know thsi i know thsi k

i know life loves me and
for that i’m radically grateful

today i get to feel love
today i am love