i love that there are solutions
everywhere i look i love doing my
best work i love loving my job i love wanting to do it i love
wanting to do the work i love
wanting to feel good i love
making the choice to feel good i love that
everything is working out perfectly i love
that everything is great i love
leaning into the flow i love
looking for solutions and
seeing them i love that
are always solutions i love
that solutions
are everywhere
i love remembering the magick
remembering that life reflects me
and knowing that is fact
it feels good to remember the truth
about who i am the truth about my existence it feels good
to walk the walk to
take the big leap in every moment it feels good
to let go and take the big leap into the here and now it feels good
to ake t
toake the g
big leap into the here and now
to walk the walk to feel good to make the choices
that feel good
it feels good to make the choices
feel good it
feels good to make the choices
that feel good it
feels good to take the big leap
into love the big leap into loving myself it feels good to
to take the big leap into loving mybslt
i love feeling good i love the
feeling of connectivity and letting go
i love that i can always
change how i feel i loveht
athat i
that i can always
i love the seagulls
i love feelin good good i love
looking for erasons
reasons to say yes to be grateful
i love saying yes thank youi love
remembering to say yes thank you i love
feeling the flow flowing through me i love
feeling open i love feeling my heart open i love
looking for love i love
feeling good ilove
i love feeling the feeling of
gratitude without attachment i love that
i know that’s all there is
i know that all ther is
is gratitude and
all i can do is say thank you
for everything that is
and know that more is always on it’s way i love that i know
i love that iknow i now thi
i know this i love that
i kno wh
i know
the reality alwaYs matches
feeling the expectation
i feel good in this here and now
i feel good in this here and now
i love
this here and no wi love that
i can say thank you to everything
i can say i love you
to everything i can say
i love you to everything i can say i love you
to everything i love you
to everything
i love doing this work and remembering it is
the only work i love doing this work and remembering it is the
only work i love feeling good i love feeling good i love
feeling good i love feeling
good i love feeling connected i love feeling
tuned in tapped in turned on
i’m happy i’m happy i’m happy i’m happy in
my life i’m happy in my life i’m
excited about my life i love my life i love that
there is so much to appreciate about life
i love that i love my job i love
that we can get groceries delivered!!
so grateful!
so grateful they cleaned the carpets!!
so grateful !!
so grateful for this here and now for this
here and now for this here and now and
here and now i love
this here and now i love
feeling cozy in my home i love
feeling at home in my home
in my body in my self
in my reality ilove
knowing that life is always working out for me
i love being able to breath
i love feeling the relief
of breath filling my lungs i love
feeling relieved
so grateful for shelves!!
and organizers!!
so grateful for a good life in the
here and now so grateful for everything
so grateful for
for this here
and now
so grateful for this here andn ow
to do thewok
the work in this
ehre and now
to take the big leap
to do the work to talk
walk the walk
and what does that mean
not letting anything
steer me away
so grateful for this here andn ow
now to remember who ia m to
and to remember to walk the walk
to be brave enough to walk to the
walk to
get out of the way and feel
love and compassion for myself
and others knowing they
are just me
knowing they are just me
knowing that everything is just me
and knowing
that it feels better to love
and appreciate
than resist
it feels good to release resistance
so happy to do the work in this here and n
here and now so
grateful to feel good now to feel love
right now to love my life right now
to make the choice to say thankyou
right now to be grateufl for how
far i’ve come
for the beach
for the perfect life
we’ve created it feels good
to feel to
create the perfect life
it feels good to work through the mcuk to do
this work in the here and now
knowing that it’s only every me and knowing
that life
makes the things
happening and they are always happening
right now i love that i know this
i love the better it gets i love feeling
raising my tolerence for feeling good
allowingmyself to
feel good now
feeling the feeling right now
loving myself right now
andk nowing
that everything else
falls into place i love that i
get to choose i love that i
get to choose
to look at what i want to see
where i place my attention
i create
and i know that’s all
i love the power of me
i love the power of me i love the
i love that i get to feel good i love that
i get to feel good i ilove
that i
get to feel good i love
that i get to feel good i love
that i get to feel good i love the
better it gets!
i love lana i love
that life is good