thank for this day

grateful to feel good
gratefult o like like my life gratefult o like
to liek myself
to feel good nowt o feel the flow now to feel
good in my life so gratefult ofeel toog

good now to feel god now

to know and celebrate the truth of life so gratefult oknow
and celebrate the truth of life

grateful to celebrat this this day this flow
the flow of well being the flow of well being

god of well being sog rateful to remember who i am
what i am to feel the god self tofeel t
to feel the god self flowing ro

through me the god self tlow
flowing hou

throught me
through me through me
through me
through me

i love knowing that i am god i love knowing t
that i am god i love that i know life is that easy i love that
i know i love that get to feel good that i
get the gift of feeling good in my life

grateful to do this work this feel this flow
to feel this god self to feel the god self more than
ever before

to relax and expand into the now
becuase it is alwayre

already perfect and nohting nee

nothing needs to change

graterul ful to know to do this
work to line up the energ to line

align the molecules with god

so grateful to line up the molecules
to feel good in this day t
o feel good in this day
to love

everything that is to love everything that

this awareness understanding andk owle
knowleddge of
spirit appears as every visible form and experience i could piss
possible imagaine.