thank you for
always granting all my wishes thank you for
giving me everything i ever asked for
thank you for the contrast that helps
me focus and the
omni present
other side of the wave
thank you for
steady hgb
thank you for
better and better thank you
for evidence of improvement
thank you for all the
evidence of improvement
thank you for
thanks for bud money
thank you for my chippes
thanks for bud thanks
for getting to borrow the car
thanks for a place to live
thanks for
and apology thanks for the
contrast the hlpe
helps me let go
helps me remember its not
about me its not about me
thankyou for helping me
remembe that
whatever anyone else does
thank you for the space to
realize that
thank you for the space to realize that
and no matter the reason
i am hating
the reason doesn’t matter
the reason doesn’t
matter the reason doesn’t matter
the reason doesn’t matter
if i am feeling it within my heart
it affects me and it
affects the world i live in
and ideally i would want
to get along
enjoy life harmoniously
and thank you for the contrast that
helps me focus on this knowledge
thank you for the space that helps me
realize thank you for the space that helps me
that helps me realize how
far and wide my power
and the contrast helps me know this
the contrast helps me inthe vo
the vortex which helps me transmute the energy
so to the degree that the old energy
felt bad
so can the new energy
feel good.
thank for the life experience that helps
me know this the life
experience that helps me know the
life experience that helps me
know that it is nothing
but alignment
life is nothing but alignment
and i know that now i know that
i know that
everythig is a
reflection of me and i now
how very strong hate
can be i know that and that is
how i know that it’s not worth it
it’s not worth it to
feel that feeling no matter what the
cause no matter what the cause no matter what
the cause and i love
that iknow the
the power of me and i love
that i make the c
time to do the work
i make the time to
do the work and
i make the time i make
the time to feel good i make the time
to feel good and i can make the
choice to love
no matter what and that is
what lief is
is helping me learn is that
love cannot be
its not for god and i am
god so if i
put a condition on love
that means i am putting
conditions on god
and when i put conditions on god
it suffocates god
it cuts god off it
lessons the flow
pinches the hose
of god
because by placing conditions
on it lessons its power
it makes it have to fit
into the box of your expectation
is far more lmited
than the powers of
of me
which are one and the same
and when i need something to
be a certain way i am cutting off
the full expression of god
asking it to fit into my
narrow viewpoint instead
expanding to fill its
infinite one.
and i love doing this work
because it helps me remember this is
the only work and it helps me remember that
life can only reflect me and it
helps me remember that
it ALL is me
and i can take solace in knowing
that nothing
showed up
that wasn’t i direct
reflection of me
even states away
even worlds away
universes away
it’s all me and i love that i know
and understand that and i love that i am
learning how to allow myself to feel good
to love myself more
than i want to hate that person
deciding to love for no reason
because it’s for my health
because it’s for my health
and it feels good t focus
to focus into the vortex and say
thank you
because everything i’ve ever wanted
i got
everything i ever wanted, i go
and i know this is true
when i ask
it is givine
and i know this
i love t hat this
this bit of contrast has come
up because it was something
that i needed to deal with
and life gave me the change to
chance to
deal with it
to say look
here it is
and i am making the choice
to let go to love the practice feeling
love because its better than the
alternative and when i can
i love you
without having to take action
i love doint he wrok
the work and taking
responsibility for how i feel i love
that this is the only work
and i love that i know
i know this is all me
its all me and i did ask for it
i created it vibrationally
and it wasn’t until now that
i realized how very powerful the
signal lsi
its not like its limited to your tiny little
it reaches everywhere and
its all you its all me
its all me and i ilove that
and am so very grateful that
the contrast helped me
the version i want
i want
i prefer to have a loving
and supportive relationshipo with
my family
all my family
that is my preference and i know
that seeing what i don’t want to
is only
a reflection of me and i
can accept that i accpet t
accept that and it feels good to
do the work to transmute the energy
to decidet o love
to love instead and know that
the change in vibration
is all that matters it feels good to
feel brave enough to come
into me to come into who i am
to know that its all
reflecting me it feels good to know