for this here and now for always getting what i want
i notice that i get what i want
and then i question it like wait
did i want this
or is it something
bad against me that i got it
but i know i can let that go and choose
choose love and love is always better
second guessing myself
so i choose to love myself
i love that i can always tune myself to the
vibration of me
and i never ever ever have to choose fear
i love that i get to choose to feel good now
i can always bring the energy into alignent
i always get to make the choice for the
version im creating i always gt t
to make the choice and i know that life
is a breath in and breath out i know this
i know that everything is working out
it’s only ever me it’s only ever me
and i can stand up to my
irrational fears
i now ive felt like this before
and just irrational fears
waiting for the other shoe to drop
because things are going well but instead i
can choose to standup to my thoughts and say
thank you
i can stand up to my thoughts
and say thank you
i can always stnad up
to my thougths and choose the version i rpefer
i can always standup to my thoughts
and choose to nejoy the
day knowing that
anything that ever happens
will be in my faovrfavor
so i can trust everything that happens
i can stur
trust everything that is i can always
trust the flow i can always
trust the flow i can
alwys trust the flow
i get to choose i get to choose i
get to choose i get to choose i get to choose
i get to choose the verison i re
version i create i get to celebrate
the opportunity to celebrate
i get to celebrate this day
and standup to my thougths i get to
celebrate this day
i get to choose i am the creator
and i get to choose
i now that
i know that my mind
caught up on this
untrue pattern
addicted to fear
addicted to the what ifs
i lve this day i alove
my consciousness of the spirit
within me as my unliited source
is the divine power to make all things new
it onlly att
matters where i put my attneiton
i now that life
always reflects me
i know that
no matter what i can
always jump into the flow
i can always
jump into the flow i can always tune myself
i can always
stand up to my thougths make the choice
to not feel bad and then i wont and i know t
hat wha t
wha tim feeling gad
bad about is nothing
is made up and if it hadn’t happened
id be feeling bad about smoehting else
about nt doing my work
and then id feel bad for thining
about work when i should
be celebrating
so really im getting eery
everything i wanted and i know this
im saying yes thank you instead
of questioning my worth
just choose love just choose love
i love the contrast becuse i nkow it
i know it heps me
helps me focus on what i really want
so grateful for this here and now
for the work i have for the best job
and best clients
for the best life so grateful life
worked out for me’
i know the power of me i know
the magick of me ik ow the
i knko the power of me i; know the
i know the magaick of me
i love myself i love myself i love
myself i feel good now i feel good now i feel good
now i feel good now i know
i nkow the i know the
source i now the source
is irrational fear
and addiction to fear
and i can always turn that around i lve
i love that i kow this is my job
this is the owrk
this is the owrk
this is the work
this is the owrk
i came here to do
i love that i’m always getting what i want and need
my consciousness of the spirit
within me as my unlimited source is
the divine power ot make
to make all things new
my consciousness of the spirit
within me as my unlimited source
is the divine power to
make all things new
my consciousness of the spirit
within me as my unlimited source
is the divine power
feels good to feel good to feel the flow
to feel the flow flowing through me
feels good to focus it feels good
i know its only me and the contrast
is what hleps
me focus helps me find the magick life
the magick feeling
the power of life flowing through me
the contrast is what helps me focus
what makes all things new
my cosciousness of the god self within
me makes all thigs new
my consciousness of the god self within me
my consciousness of the god self within me
is the power ot make to make all thinsg new
my conscoiusness of the god self
within me is
is the power to make all things new
to make all things new
my consciousness of the god self within me
is the divine power to make all things new
i celebrate the contrast that helps me focus
that helps me create and i know that i am love
i nkow
inkow that i kow that
that i am loved i love that i am loved and appreciated
i love that there is so much to love i love
that there is so much to love
and appreciate i love that life
loves me
i love that life
loves me i love
that life loves me
i love that
i dont have to care and i just
focus o the god self with me
and that’s all that matters
that’s all that matters
life is all that matters