thank you

for everything going my way
for insipiration firght
right in front of my face for inspirtatoin right in
front of my face for th
flow flowing so graeful the flow is always

flowing in my favor so grateful

i get to tap into the
feeling any time i get to feel the feeling any time
i get to feel the
good life any time
i get to feel the feeling of yes anyt time
get to feel the

feeling of toal fulfillfilme
any time ccelebate the feeling any time
milk the feeling any time
ccelebrate myself any time

celebrate the switch celebrate that iam
changing that iam getting better that i am

more aware every time
of the narrative my mind creates

so graetful that i’m learning so

im not learing not to judege
not to jump to conclusions not to have preferences
not to amek up storeis in my head

im int he flow im in the magick

im int he feeling of life im in the
feeling of life i know today is the best day
ever i know today is teh best day

of my life

i love the better it gets i love
loving our neighbors i love our community
i loe hat there is so much to love

i love getting to go to bed happy
getting to wake up happy
so grateful for my wife who loves me

who is patient with me
who i get to through life with who
i get to go on cute dates with

so grateful for loe so gratevul to b
e the sourcce of life

so grateful to lifek
myself to love myself to revise the day
how i wish

so graetful for a elicious brunch
so grateuflt o knwo its be and

be aware of the feeling os
gratefl to get to choose to love life

to get to choose to loe life right now
to feel the feeling i want right now that
i get to rvised

revise it simply revise it

i love that i ge tto choose to love myself
get to choose teh feeling right now
gt to choose the feeling right now the
feeling right now
get to feel the feeling right now

i get to feel the feeling any time
on any level i get to feel the
feeling on any level so grateufl
i can always choose the

the feeling the god self on all lov
levels i get to choose it now i get o

to choose it now i get to choose teh
version i want right ow i get to choose it right now
i get to choose it right now

i get to choose it r
right now i get to choose it right now
the feeling right now the feeling
right now the feeling right now

the feeling right now

the feeling right now i get to choose the
the feeling of yes right now i can always choose it
any time i
start to wonder is just a reason for me

a reminder to me

reminder to me and i love that
i always get to i love that g
we get to play this game together i love that
i get ot feel th e

the feelign now i love that i get
we get to grow and evolve togetheri lovethat
i cna

really feel myself changing i love that im

realy learning finally i love

im dealing with it i lovve that
i know now i love the
easier it gets i love that i get to choose it
how iw atn it to be

i love that i get to choose it how i want it to be