thank you

for the feeling for the knownig for the nowing feeling
ffo the donnce

connection to god for the knowing of god for the
feeling of god
here and now knowing
that i dont need ddesire

i know that desire arises and i know that
when it idoes

it is immediately given
i love that i get to t
get to live i love that i get to

i’m here feeling good i’m here feelin gogod for me
choosing to feel good or me

for me im here choosing to feel good for me
im here
feeling good for me i get to feel good for me i get to

feel the feeling of god so
grateful i get to that
i know the truth so
grateufli know the truth of life
i have founs the
i have

found the secret to life
and can relax in thek nowledge that the
activity of divine abundance
is eteranlly operating in my life

for the god self fro
for the god knowledge for the breath in and out
for the life flowing through me

for my assured success

so grateful i know life
is flowing perfectly to and through me
so graetfl fo

that life comes to me and ig et to let
ti i lov that
i get ot let life come to me