thank you for reminding me

its me its me it the its the feelng of me its life

life showing me me
its life showing me me and im gratefulf rot he
the reminder i now i knene

needed that so i say thank you
for showing me
what i am i say thank you
to life for
helping me remembe for

sending me within
to the truth of me
im the source of how i want to feel im
the source of how i want to feel

i knwo that i feel it then i beocme it and i allow life
to come to me

to remind me nothings missing to remind me
to be the source of the magic to allow

life to come to me to be the source no
to know that the only thing so
seek is the proximity to god ot know that

tha’ts all i need that’s all there v
ever is kno
to know that im the source to know that

im the source

to know that im the source
to now thatim the source to feel the magic first and trust the rest

for reminding me who iam what i am
and i needed to remember

had to remember had to remember i needed to remember
i had to remember

to remember what i m to remember its only
everr me its its only ever me
its only ever me

its only ever me its only ever me

its only ever me

its me life is me conscoiuness is
the only realti and i choose the feeling first and life
follows i nkow this k
i nkow that life is always shoiw

showing me who ia m

its me its me its me its me its me
its me i choose how i feel let the magi

let life come to feom
to me let life comes to me
come to me

let life come to me let life tomce c
come to me