the refusal to acknowledge
and that’s all there is i love that i can do it all
with the magick i can do it all with the magick
i can do it all with the magick i can
do it all with the magick
the work the feeling the work teh
feeling the fcos
the focus the focsu
teh f
the focus the focus the focus
the focus the
focus of the here and now
thank you thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you
refuse to acknowledge it and that’s what i get to ch
that’s the power of me that’s the power of me
that’s the power of
me that’s the power
of me that’s the pweor
poer of me that’s that
the power of me that’s the power of me
that’s the poer f
of me that’s the power
of me that’s the power of me
the refusal the refusal that
the acceptance the yes the yes the yes the
yes of the here and now the yes of the here and now
yes of the here and now the
yes of the here and now
the focus work the feeling work is
all ther eis and i’m so grateful i know that
so grateful i know that
i’m here i am i am that i am i am
that i am i am that i am
i am that i am i how i see myself i am what i see myself as i am
waht i see y
myself i am that iam
i know the truth i know the
feeling the
feeling here and now and so
grateful to celebrate it
to feel it so
grateful to feel it
to feel it
here and now to do the focus woek
rmemeber who ia m ow
work the work
the focus work the focus
i am that ia m that i am
i am that i am and im so
grateful for what i have here and now
someone to celebrate with
kitties to wake me u
up like xmas morning
a life that i love that i look forward to getting up
i love looking forward to
getting up i love that i love my life
someone to make brownies with
so grateful that life is a
is alerady perfect for me
so grateful that life is alred
already perfect for me
so grateful to come here and tune myself
to the vibration of hes d
come here and tune myself to the
vibration of yes
grateful to get to enjoy life
grateful to get to bask grateful to get to love
grateful to get to appreciate to love to love
to remember its all
it all comes back to love
grateful to be here remembering that
to release resistance and say yes
to release resistance
and say yes and say yes
to this moment
grateful to do it
grateful we dont have to fix our washer ourselves!
grateful to not be suckedup in
hollow traditions
grateful to have traditoins of our own!!
grateful to feel the feeling of yes
to knw that life always works out
to come here and remember wh
how good i can feel to
remember that feeling is the secret
feeling is the secret i love that i get to remember
to refuse to feel that it isn’t
how iwant it to be and i know hat
that life must follow i loe
love seeing i love huge success i love that
the feleing of lof e
life i love the
feeling of lfie
so grateful i like my life i like where i live i lobe my
i love my life so
grateful i love my life
that we get to get cozy undr
under that covers so grateful it already
its easy to see myself how i wnat to see myself
i can do it i can do i know i can
grateful for all that ihave
for all the fage in the fir
for all the other things
for caps!!
and good dinner!!
so gratdul
grateful to feel it wot
to feel good
to feel good
to remember who and what i am to
remember who and what i am and to know that
ever any reason to wonder
i love the ri get
i get to let it go completely i love that i know the power of me
i know the pwoer of me i know th
i know the power of the energy i know the power of eh
the eer
so grateful i love my life that
thre is so much to love that ia m the one
and only creator and a
the only thing i can ever do is feel for it so grateful
to feel for it
to know the truth of
that i am the one and only creator
so grateful to remember i am the one and onlly cr
only creator to
remember i amthe one and only creator
the one and only